TLRS to host viewing of a film called:- "Rails of the
Photograph by Jim Ford

THE Tramway and Light Railway Society (TLRS) Merseyside Branch will be hosting a
viewing of a film by TLRS Member, Jim Ford. The footage will have take the
audience on a journey visiting both heavy and light railways from Southport to
Cape Horn via Italy, Spain, North Africa, the Atlantic islands and South
America, concluding, with a ride along the Ferrocarril Austral Fueguino, the
fabled:- "Railway at the End of the World." the event takes place on Monday, 18
April 2016, in the Conference Room, of at:- The Greenbank Sports Academy,
Greenbank Lane, Liverpool, from 7.30pm. Refreshments served during the interval.
To attend you will have to pay £2 per head. For more information go to:-