Letters to the Editor:-
"Southport is now a grotty Town!"

can't see why Southport is still known as 'England's classic resort?'
I never thought I would say this, but we popped into Southport on our holidays,
for run up to Easter. I remember Southport looking amazing from my childhood.
I returned a few years back when we for the Air Show and it looked nice
back then as well. But I have never seen it looking so bad as it does now. 1st
we found parking was horrendous and then found out, travellers have moved in to
Town Centre car park! Then we spotted most of the small shops had close down.
Letter in the side roads and in the flowerbeds... What has gone wrong with the
Town? It was a magical, butiful place to visit once... The other annoying
thing is we got accosted by people asking for cash all the time. It just
felt to us that the Town was rundown and people just did not care anymore. I'm
shocked by the deterioration of the area. Plus what is it about the
Traffic wardens in the area? We spotted them all over the place! How did
Southport get so bad?" Jane, from Llandudno.
Editorial note:-
"We have read your comments and are very sorry to hear your views. We do hope
you will come back to Southport in the Summer. That way you can see the
Town in a better light, when all the major attractions are taking place. Sadly
the Town is going though a change recently and it is off season, so many
businesses are re-painting and building, plus the weather is not helping."
Please email your views to:-
News24@SouthportReporter.Com on this issue. Do you agree that
Southport is a:- "Grotty Town?"