New £32million Campus for
Knowsley Community College
THE excitement continues to grow as the
new £32million Campus for Knowsley Community College starts to take shape.
Opening in September 2016, the Campus will be
within walking distance of the College's Institute for Advanced Manufacturing
and Technology at Princess Drive.
The new 12,000 square metre College will include state of the art facilities and
equipment, industry standard commercial kitchens and an attractive terrace
garden restaurant, multi use games pitches, a brand new home for 99.8FM KCC Live
and much more.

Principal Anne Pryer explains;- "This is
a very exciting time for Knowsley Community College. Students will be able to
use the learning resources in a much more flexible way, enabling them to learn
in a way that more closely mirrors University. Students have world class
practical and workshop space collocated with teaching rooms that use the latest
technology to support learning. The College engages with a wide range of local and national businesses and we
have been able to tailor our new, industry standard equipment to the needs of
employers, ensuring our students receive the best in career focused training."

This news follows on from the recent announcement that Knowsley Community
College, in partnership with St Helen's College, is opening a brand new state of
the art Logistics Academy at the Kirkby Campus this year. The Academy's
development is part of Liverpool City Region's pledge to invest over £40 million
in a range of projects designed to develop advanced industry skills to meet
employers' needs.