Smokefree Spring
successfully launches across Sefton

SMOKEFREE Spring launched on Sunday,
27 March 2016 at the 1st smokefree event, Santa's Mystery Easter Egg Hunt in
Southport. The event attracted great support for smokefree events to protect
children, reaffirming the recent local survey which highlighted that 93% of
people questioned in Sefton were supportive of smokefree outdoor events for
children and families.
The campaign is a new initiative running across Sefton which will see a series
of family friendly events become smokefree to increase the number of healthy
family events, and family friendly public places. If you are looking to attend a smokefree event, the following events are smokefree so far, with more joining up
every day. Please check the Sefton Council website events page for information
on other smokefree events.
► Sefton Community Markets at:-
» Bootle Strand on:- 15 April, 6 May and 20 Mary 2016.
» Marion Square on:- 29 April, 13 May and 27 May 2016.
Find out more online at:-
► Community Gala Day, Litherland Park, 21 May 2016.
Find out more on:-
► Children's fun day, Seaforth Children's Centre, on
both 5 April and 12 April 2016. Find out more online at:-
Event organisers across Sefton are being encouraged to join the campaign by
making their event smokefree to create a healthy, family friendly space and help
children understand that smoking isn't a normal activity. Event organisers
joining the campaign will have access to a wealth of smokefree spring resources
including posters, stickers and balloons. If you want your event to be part of
smokefree spring email
Stacey Smith, 33, who live in Ainsdale and attended the Santa's Mystery Easter
Egg Hunt in Victoria Park, Southport said:- "I have never been to a
smokefree event like this before and I would support more smokefree events for
children. I would also like to see more smokefree spaces such as outside
I think vaping should be included because children are still seeing people and
it can look like smoking. I think less children would smoke if they saw less
people smoking and vaping."
Andrew Seddon, 50, who lives in Southport and attended the Santa's Mystery
Easter Egg Hunt in Victoria Park, Southport said:- "I support smokefree
events and would like to see more in Sefton. It's good to not have smoking at
events, children copy and so I don't like smoking to be in front of them.
I would also like to see smokefree parks, beaches, maybe town centres and
definitely outside hospitals."

Smokefree Spring has been co-ordinated by Sefton council and local social
enterprise Healthier Futures, formerly Tobacco Free Futures which changed its
name, on March 31 2016.
Matthew Ashton, Sefton Council's shared Director of Public Health said:-
"We recognise that there is a high level of support and demand for more
smokefree events and spaces in Sefton. We are committed to tackling the harms
caused by tobacco in our communities, especially to children, and want to see
more healthy, smokefree family friendly events in our area that everyone can
enjoy. We have this campaign to help increase the number of events we see
promoting a smokefree policy and hope that more local organisers change their
policies to protect children."
Andrea Crossfield, Chief Executive of Healthier Futures (formerly named Tobacco
Free Futures) added:- "Young people consistently overestimate the
prevalence of smoking, with 60% thinking it's the 'norm', when in reality 4 out of
5 people don't smoke in Sefton. Smokefree Spring has been created to increase the amount of clean and healthy
environments that children and families play in. This isn't about protecting
children from second-hand smoke in outdoor spaces, rather its promoting being
healthy to children. The more events that become smokefree, the less likely
children are to take up smoking; preventing them from entering into a deadly
addiction that kills one in 2 long term smokers."
If you are thinking about quitting smoking you can contact your local stop
smoking service for free help and support by calling Sefton Support on:- 0300 100