What's there to laugh about?

PHYSICAL Fest, in collaboration with
Bluecoat and PANDA, are holding an international symposium on comedy in art,
What's there to laugh about? at Bluecoat, on Wednesday, 25 May 2016. Aimed
at artists, programmers, academics, comics, and anyone interested in the art of
laughter, this lively daylong symposium will question how humour is currently
used in performance making, presenting and programming.
It will feature provocations from leading artists, comics and industry
professionals, including:-
► Sam Avery (Artistic Director of The Comedy Trust)
► Hilary Chaplain (USA physical comedienne)
► Robin Graham (founder of Feelgood Communities CIC
and He is co-founder of the Laughter Network)
► Sean Kempton (Cirque Du Soleil)
► Kerry Leigh (professional comedian, MC and compere)
► Hazel O'Keefe (founder of Dulcet Sounds, Laughing
Cows Comedy, Comix Live, and The Women in Comedy Festival)
The key speaker is John Wright, the
internationally renowned teacher, director and author of acclaimed book Why is
that so funny? Wright is founder member of the acclaimed theatre companies,
Trestle and Told by an Idiot.
This participatory symposium offers the chance to explore and discuss a range of
subjects and questions, including:- the use of comedy in programming, training
and education; what are the boundaries of comedy in art and how are they being
pushed?; what is the value and use of comedy in creating theatre or art?; and
what are the methods, styles and influences in the creation of comedic work?
This event has been organised in collaboration with Bluecoat's exhibition:-
Double Act - Art and Comedy (running until Sunday, 19 June 2016) which explores
how comedy helps us to shape meaning and negotiate the complexities of everyday
Book before 1 May 2016, to receive a £10
discount for organisations, artists and freelancers. Conference price includes
lunch and refreshments.
To book your place go to the Blue Coat's
► £40 for organisations.
► £20 for artists and freelancers.
► £10 for PANDA Members and Physical Fest attendees.