Wirral mental health unit
gets safari visit

SERVICE users and staff based at local
mental health hospital Springview were treated to a 'safari' experience
after a recent visit from Home Safari Animal Assisted Therapy.
Throughout the day, patients across all wards were given the chance to spend
time with a number of exotic animals; including a snake, bearded dragon and meerkat; as well as also enjoy the company of more familiar creatures such a
goat, dog and hedgehog.
Springview is Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust's (CWP)
specialist mental health inpatient unit in Wirral, consisting of around 80 beds,
with wards offering care for dementia, eating disorders, primary intensive care
and acute mental health illnesses.

Glenda Bryan, CWP Clinical Services Manager, said:-
"Everyone at Springview really looks forward to visits like this. It's fantastic
that we're able to provide opportunities for our service users to experience
something special during their time with us. We've found that people really get
a lot out of interacting positively with the animals, so days like today give
everyone across our wards a lift."
Research shows that introducing animals into
clinical environments can result in a rise in patient health and wellbeing, with
the presence of animals often helping service users feeling more comfortable,
more communicative and motivated to engage with those around them.
Home Safari provides animal assisted therapy sessions to support patients'
social, emotional, physical and cognitive functioning. They have been providing
this service throughout the NHS and private hospitals in the Northwest for the
past s7 years.
Home Safari's Cheron Mannion, said:- "It is always a pleasure to visit Springview and to see how the atmosphere lifts once the animals arrive.”

In December CWP celebrated its recent investment of over £15 million into the
Springview site - based on Clatterbridge Health Park - with an open evening
featuring a performance by Merseyside Rock Choir.
For more information about CWP visit:-
For more information about Home Safari visit:-