Hey hit the jackpot.... Now they're skint!

WINNING the lottery is what everyone
dreams of, but for these lucky winners their dreams turned into nightmares.
Turns out losing a fortune is much easier than winning 1! Fortunately,
help is at hand. At Millionaires Anonymous people are encouraged to discuss
their stories and problems, and with the help of a 12 step program the former
millionaires are guided onto a path of enlightenment and self hulfilment,
learning along the way that money doesn't buy happiness. Or does it?
Having formed a secret syndicate, the group continue to gamble what little money
they have left, pinning all their hopes on winning the jackpot again. The odds
on that? 2 hundred and 83 billion to 1. It's a long shot, but it could happen,
and if it did you'd better hope your syndicate is a group of mentally stable and
well rounded individuals… but more importantly, that you can find the bloody

Millionaires Anonymous takes a hilarious look at our quest for
happiness in all the wrong places. Writer/Director Stewart McDonald says:-
"With a superb cast of home grown talent, the play explores the idea of
appreciating what we have and not resting all our hopes on something that's out
of our control and near impossible to win."

Venue:- The Brindley Theatre, Runcorn.
Dates:- Tuesday, 10 May and Wednesday, 11 May 2016.
Time:- 7:30pm.
Tickets:- £12 Adults/ £10 Concessions.
TheBrindley.Org.UK / 0151 907 8360.
Venue:- The Atkinson Theatre, Southport.
Dates: -Thursday, 12 May and Friday, 13 May 2016.
Time:- 7:30pm.
Tickets:- £12 Adults/ £10 Concessions.
TheAtkinson.Co.UK / 01704 533 333.
Venue:- The Salford Arts Theatre, Salford (part of the Greater Manchester Fringe
Dates:- Friday, 1 July to Sunday, 3 July 2016.
Time:- 7:30pm.
Tickets:- £10 Adults/ £8 Concessions.
SalfordArtsTheatre.Com / 0161 925 0111.
Find out more about Typecast Productions on the shows
and you can also follow them on
and on
Twitter. (Please note
Millionaires Anonymous is suitable for over 15's only) |