North West carer in the
running for a national award

A Knowsley care worker is in the
running for a national award after beating off stiff competition in the regional
finals of a competition.
Karl Lamb, 29, was the North West winner in the Great British Care Awards and
will now compete for the national title later this month (May). Karl works for
CASA – Care and Share Associates; Knowsley, an award winning, employee owned
social enterprise, which delivers a range of services which allows people to
remain independent and live in their own homes. But it was Karl's efforts to go
the extra mile for his clients which made him stand out from the crowd and
helped him take the regional crown.
Helen Haney, Deputy Manager at CASA Knowsley said everyone was delighted at
Karl's success. "He has done some amazing work and really helped some of
our clients. He's gone that extra mile and made a real difference to people's
In his role as a support worker, Karl works with a range of clients and has
found a number of ways to help them get more out of life. This includes helping
a young man who wanted to be a DJ to get some gigs which has led to him getting
a radio show and helping another client who wasn't integrated into the community
get a job in a charity shop.
"Karl has really gone out of his way to find out what his clients are
interested in and what they needed and used his initiative to help them. He really does deserve this award and we'll be keeping our
fingers crossed for the national final in Birmingham." said Helen.
CASA Knowsley is 1 of 5 CASAs around the country which provide homecare
services. All employees are strongly invested in the company and are given free
shares, a profit share scheme, and other employee benefits. The company is
always looking for new staff across all of their sites and no previous
experience is necessary for some of the posts, with full training given.
Anyone wanting further information should call the CASA Recruitment Hotline at:-
0300 355 1155, you can also send an
email to them or visit the CASA
website and look at the vacancies section where full job
descriptions and application forms are available. |