BBC Hairy Bikers to join the
Crosby Road Street Party, 12 June 2016

THE BBC will film the Crosby Road Queens 90th
Birthday Celebration Street Party, on 12 June 2016. As part of their 2016 Hairy
Biker Series the famous duo will be exploring the relationship people have with
our well loved eggs and chickens. They will follow a global journey of culinary
discovery with the final programme of the series concluding in Crosby Road as
part of one of the most Royal Streets in the UK. Crosby Road has been proudly
chosen due to its reputation of delivering possibly the best street party in the
land. Its YouTube and social media presence encouraged the BBC researchers to
shortlist their options to include Crosby Road. The site meeting, on Thursday,
secured the Hairy Bikers into the Birkdale based street party on the 12 June

The BBC will film the build of this amazing
community event, tables, bunting, flags etc. Then the plan is that the Hairy
Bikers on their bikes will arrive mid afternoon and take an active part in this
iconic UK Royal Street Party. They will relax with families, soak up this
typically British tradition and of course sample peoples' cake and food and
chicken sandwiches! The episode will end their inspiring global journey of
'eggs and chicken' and provide a suitable heart warming 'feel good' conclusion to
their programme series.

Joanne and Jonathan Cunningham Street Party organiser said:-
'We are
delighted, we love watching the Hairy Bikers. The BBC Production Team couldn't
believe how passionate this event is to Crosby Road. The fact that this will be
our 4th large scale event has established Crosby Road as one of the most Royal
Roads and communities in the UK!!!'

The event hosted by Sandgrounder Radio with
Neil Newton and Andrew Hibert will be raising vital funds for Southport's
Independent Lifeboat Trust. Adults £5, children FREE. If you would like to be
involved with this event then you must pre-book your tickets to obtain your wrist
bands. It is highly unlikely you will be able to turn up on the day due to the
numbers expected.
If you would like to attend please contact dawn on:- 01704 320 008 or email
God save the Queen!