Big week for nurses

NURSES across Cheshire and Wirral came
together to be part of the launch of 10 new national commitments to care in
Launched live by Jane Cummings, Chief Nursing Officer for England, the new
national Nursing Framework:- 'Leading Change Adding Value', was celebrated
by local nurses at Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CWP) at
an event in Ellesmere Port.

Avril Devaney, CWP Director of Nursing and Therapies, who led the event with
nursing colleagues, said:- "We are delighted with the framework, it's
inspirational and centred on things we're concerned about at CWP. The 10
commitments are a brilliant vehicle for us to become much more person centred in
our approach. This is an exciting time for us to really make a difference and it
will help us to really concentrate on what matters to people."
CWP nurses also recently marked the centenary International Nurses' Day (12 May)
to celebrate their profession.
or follow then on Twitter @CWPNHS for more information about the Trust.