Liverpool runner heads to
Paris to raise money for hospice

LIVERPOOL lad, Sam Heague (28),
travelled to France to run the Paris Marathon last month and raised a fantastic
£650 for St. Joseph's Hospice (Jospice).
Sam took on the challenge following a tragic summer in 2015, when he lost both
his granddad, William Heague, and his cousin, Charlotte Chee, within the space
of a week.
Sam ran the marathon to raise money for St. Joseph's Hospice and The Walton
Centre in their memory. It was his second marathon, following last year's London
Marathon, and he successfully completed the course in 5 hours, despite an
Sam said:- "My grandad Bill was a gentle and loving family man. He was
diagnosed with latter stage pancreatic cancer around two months before he died
and was initially cared for in Fazakerley Hospital before being moved to
Jospice. During his time at Jospice he received exceptional, specialist care, as
well as an unwavering kindness. In his own darkest hour he was treated
wonderfully and my dad and his brothers were able to stay there with him at the
hospice. From diagnosis he grew very weak, very quickly, but never lost his
sense of humour and was courageous until the very end. My cousin, however, was
24 when she died. She was receiving treatment for colitis, which sadly caused a
seizure and a brain haemorrhage. She too was treated wonderfully at the Walton
Mike Parr, Chief Executive of St. Joseph's Hospice, said:- "Sam has taken
on a real challenge following such a devastating loss and has raised a fantastic
amount of money in memory of his granddad and cousin. We would like to
congratulate Sam on this wonderful achievement and we are very grateful for his
support in helping us to continue providing specialist care for our patients and
their families for as long as they need us." |