North West Air Ambulance
Charity ask for you to give in celebration
OVER the past year, supporters have been
raising the roof to help raise the charity up, by asking for donations to your
North West Air Ambulance Charity in place of gifts at their special
Here's just a few….

► Hilda and Ken Hamsun, Stockport, 31 July 2015...
Friends of the couple had been previously airlifted following a car accident, so
on their Golden Wedding anniversary Hilda and Ken wanted to support the charity
as a way of saying thank you.

► Douglas and Eileen Kendall, Accrington, 17 October, 2015...
For their wedding, the couple asked for donations in their invitations, as
Eileen was already a supporter and wanted to recognise us on her special day.

► May Yates Blackburn, 9 November, 2015...
May asked for donations instead of gifts for her 100th Birthday, as it was
something she had done previously, at her husband's funeral.
Make your day even special by sharing your
celebration with us and asking your family or friends to make a donation instead
of giving a gift.
Click here to find out
Did you know?
Have you ever received a gift that you
didn't want or need?
You may not be alone, as this recent survey shows…
► 98% of people have received gifts they didn't want or need.
► 1/3 of people say these make up 25% of their gifts.
► While 1/6 of people say they don't want or need 30% of their gifts.
► 43% of people give their unwanted gifts to a charity shop.
► 1/3 of people keep it in a 'safe' place, never to be seen again!
► 27% re-gift to a friend or family member.
► 2/3 of people have never considered asking for charity donations as a gift. |