Bomb scare due to security
Photographs with thanks to Bay TV's

Police were called along with other emergency services after a suspicious object
that caused a bomb scare at the John Lewis department store in Liverpool 1, in
the City Centre, on Saturday, 28 May 2016. The suspicious object that caused a
bomb scare turned out to be a faulty electronic security tag, which was emitting
a loud and audible ticking sound. It is thought that a member of staff covered
it and forgot to tell colleagues what had happed and why this was done. John
Lewis later issued a statement that "We take the
safety of our customers, partners and staff very seriously. It's our first
priority to keep everyone safe. On finding a suspicious item within the
Liverpool 1 branch our team informed the Police and as a precautionary measure
the store was evacuated. It then opened after the Police confirmed that it was
safe to do so and is trading started again as normal. We are grateful to
Merseyside Police for their quick response to this incident, and apologise to
our customers for any inconvenience caused." This is not the 1st 'security
incident' in Liverpool that has caused a scare; Liverpool Airport was also
affected by a 'security incident' but it shows just how focused we are at the
moment. Most big stores and attractions are now starting to display notices
about 'a suspicious objects.' As one of the many people watching what was
taking place said: - "It's better to be safe than sorry!"

Appeal to trace Man who
failed to attend court in connection to Child Neglect

MERSEYSIDE Police are asking members of the public for
help in locating 40 year old, Anthony Morgan, also known as Anthony Murphy after
he failed to attend Court to be sentenced for child neglect. He is know to have
links to the Liverpool and Southport areas of Merseyside. We are told my
Merseyside Police that:- "Mr Anthony Morgan has previously lived in Ullet
Road and Rocky Lane in Liverpool, but has recently he has been seen in the Lord
Street area of Southport." Anyone who has seen him or knows who he is
should call Merseyside Police on:- 0151 777 4848 or Crimestoppers on:- 0800 555
111. A photograph, issued by the Police, of him can be seen above.
Letters to the Editor:- "Toxic parks in
"THE sun is coming out, and our parks are filling up with
children playing, but Sefton Council is spraying toxic pesticides all over our
streets and parks, just to kill weeds. The World Health Organisation has said
these chemicals, called:- 'glyphosate', “probably cause cancer”. So 38 Degrees
member Paul is campaigning to get the pesticides banned in Sefton. Several
European Cities have already banned them, and now they've been joined by:-
Edinburgh, Brighton, Aberdeen and Glastonbury in the UK too. People powered
campaigns stopped these toxic chemicals being sprayed elsewhere; a huge petition
could see Sefton become the next place to take a stand. If your readers think
toxic chemicals don't have a place on Sefton's streets, then please sign the
petition now by clicking on
here. It only takes 20 seconds." Robin,
Luke, Trish and the 38 Degrees Team
Editors note:- "We will be sending an email to
Sefton MBC about this matter to see if they have any reaction. If they do, we
will let you know as soon as we can. Please do let us know your views on this
topic, via emailing us to:-"
Subscriptions due for garden waste collections
WIRRAL residents are
reminded that subscriptions to the kerbside garden waste collection service are
due for renewal. If you are 1 of those households who have opted in to receive
the service last year, please don't forget that your subscription ends on 31 May
2016 and if you want to continue to receive collections after 1 June 2016,
please contact Wirral MBC, on:- 0151 606 2004, Monday to Friday, 8:00am to
5:00pm. The annual cost to receive the collections, which takes grass cuttings,
hedge trimmings, leaves, weeds and flowers from outside residents' homes using
their brown recycling bin, is £40 this year; or £35 for those who renew or
subscribe online. The fortnightly collection days will also remain the same.
Those who did not subscribe to the service last year, but want to do it this
year can also now subscribe to receive the collections from 1 June 2016.
Cllr Bernie Mooney, Wirral Council Cabinet member for Environment, said:-
"Residents should subscribe now to continue receiving collections and new
subscribers are welcome. We'd encourage people to sign up online and receive the
£5 discount; if you don't have online access at home, consider asking a friend
or relative to subscribe on your behalf, or take advantage of the free IT
facilities at Wirral's libraries. For those people who have garden waste, but
don't want to pay for it to be collected from home, then we'd urge them to
either take it to household recycling centres themselves or try to find other
ways of recycling it, such as home composting."
To subscribe to the garden waste collection services and find out more about
alternatives, such as home composting, visit:-
Last chance to get
Space Tickets for Fox and Goose Concert!

one and only band Space will be playing at the Fox and Goose on 3 Jane 1016.
This is your chance to get up close to this well known iconic band. Click
here for more information. |