Warning about 'legal
highs' issued after the Law changes
MERSEYSIDE Police are warning people to be aware of a
change in the law on so called:- 'legal highs' that came into
effect, on Thursday, 26 May 2016. It is now illegal to supply legal highs for
human consumption, which includes selling or giving them away for free (even to
friends) when they are going to be taken for their psychoactive effects.
Importing them from abroad is also now a crime. Merseyside Police are currently
be work with partner agencies including Trading Standards Officers to enforce
the new legislation, with punishments ranging from a prohibition notice to up to
7 years in prison. Police officers also have new powers to stop and search
people who they think are supplying and will seize and destroy 'legal
highs' when they find them.
Detective Superintendent Lee Turner said:- "Legal highs are sold under a
range of names and brands; mainly in 'head shops' or over the internet. Our
advice to people has always been not to take any substances if they don't know
exactly what's in it or where it came from. Often people who take new
psychoactive substances, have no idea what they are taking; these substances
don't come with a list of ingredients and it's very hard to find out what it is.
The new law makings it illegal to produce, supply, import or export a
psychoactive substance that is likely to be used to get high and offenders could
face up to 7 years in prison. Merseyside Police will be working with partner
agencies including Trading Standards Officers to enforce the new legislation and
will be using various methods of enforcement including civil and criminal
proceedings against any shops or individuals found doing so."
The new legislation has been welcomed by Merseyside's Police Commissioner, Jane
Kennedy, who is already working with Merseyside based charity Evolve to tackle
this issue in the region. Evolve provides specialist services to increase
knowledge and awareness of the potentially devastating consequences of abusing:-
'legal highs'. In March 2016, the charity received a grant
from the Commissioner's Crime Prevention Fund to carry out its vital work in
schools, colleges and youth groups. The funding enables Evolve to deliver
preventative sessions across the region warning young people of the dangers of
taking these substances, as well as offering group work and one 2 one support.
Jane said:- "Too many young people have assumed that because these
substances are 'legal' that they are safe to consume. That couldn't be further
from the truth and sadly in this region we have already seen the devastating
consequences of what can happen when young people experiment with these
dangerous substances. The introduction of this law makes it quite clear that
these substances are illegal and they are harmful. I hope it will stop many
young people from experimenting with these potentially fatal substances. It's
not enough just to legislate though and that's why earlier this year I was
delighted to give my backing to the charity Evolve. Evolve works to educate and
warn young people of the dangers of taking these substances to try and help
reduce and prevent the harm they are causing. Evolve are leading the way in
guiding our young people away from these harmful substances and providing
support and care for those who have already been tempted into abusing them and I
was delighted to be able to commission them to carry out this work across
Evolve was founded by former nurse Barbara Skinner and qualified counsellor
Alison Hodgson, who have both suffered personal tragedies as a result of so
called:- 'legal highs.' In 2007, Alison's 23 year old nephew
Christian died as a result of drugs after first abusing Volatile Substances.
Just 5 years later, her 14 year old nephew was Hospitalised, as a result of
abusing so called:- 'legal highs.' Alison said:- "I was absolutely
heartbroken, but I was also angry, angry that he had succumbed to peer pressure
without any thought of the consequences. Prior to this law coming into place,
any young person from any background or community could get hold of these 'legal
highs' and the effects could be devastating. These young people have been taking
their lives in their hands every time they abuse these substances. In the last
few years, hundreds of new substances have been created, but the young people
that are taking them have no idea what they contain and the effects those
ingredients will have. We created Evolve because we wanted to bridge the gap
between this illegal and legal substance abuse. The introduction of this law
makes it clear; these substances are not harmless fun. They can inflict serious
damage and are potentially lethal. Over the last couple of years we have been
taking that message to more than 750 young people every month in school
assemblies, youth workshops and community sessions. Through targeted education
and early intervention our aim has been to warn young people of the dangerous
they face. We have also worked to increase knowledge among parents, carers and
guardians; ignorance is not an excuse. Everybody needs to be aware of the
consequences of abusing these substances and I hope the creation of this law
will take that message into many homes across Merseyside."
The Public Health Team at Liverpool City Council have issued the following
► Do not use:- "legal highs" The term
legal does not mean they are necessarily safe.
► Where an individual intends to use
a:- "legal high" always chose to use much less than they think
they may need. ►
Where an individual is experiencing mild symptoms after using a legal high,
drink plenty of fluids, take some fresh air and give a little time for symptoms
to subside. ►
Where symptoms are more severe visit A&E.
► If somebody has longer term health
concerns after using a:- "legal high" should visit their GP.
► For further information on:-
"Legal Highs" go to:-
TalkToFrank.com. To access local help and
support, you can call them on Freephone:- 0800 0196 197. |
Merseyside Police have
launched:- 'Operation Respect'
ON Friday, 27 May 2016, Merseyside
Police launched:- 'Operation Respect.' This is a 6 week long
operation, aimed at tackling anti social behaviour and environmental issues in
the Bootle area. Throughout the 6 weeks, Officers, Sefton Council (including
Active Sefton sports and fitness service) and local housing agencies, will all
carry out a number of initiatives and activities in the area of Hornby Road,
Peel Road, Akenside Street and Gray Street. These will include:-
► Cleaning of alleys and streets in the area, who have
been affected by fly-tipping, graffiti, dog fouling and graffiti.
► Adult classes at Linacre Hub, Linacre Road, every
Wednesday, commencing 6 June 2016, between 6pm to 8pm.
► Family Kayaking sessions at Crosby Lakeside, on
Saturday mornings, that stared on 28 May 2016, running from 10am to 11.30am
► Family fitness sessions at Linacre mission, will
take place every Wednesday, for 6 weeks, commencing 8 June 2016, for adults and
children ages 4+
► Surgeries at St Leonards Community Centre, Peel
Road, Bootle.
► Active Sefton are offering 50% off sporting
activities during the half term programme:- 'Be Active' for
children participating in the Respect programme.
► Street Games programme will also commence late June,
in the area, giving children and young people (aged 8+) the opportunity to get
more active by taking part in a range of sports including football, basketball
and fitness sessions for FREE.
► Information leaflets being distributed to local
St Monica's Headmaster Paul Kinsella said:- "This community fun day is a
lovely way to launch our 90th birthday celebrations and show local residents,
Councillors all the great things going on around the school."
Bootle Neighbourhood Inspector Ian Jones said:- "These activities and
events are all about a community working together to improve the streets in
which we live and work, making them cleaner, safer and a place to be prouder of.
Anti-social behaviour, graffiti, dog fouling and littering have a major impact
on the quality of life of residents, and we are determined to use all our powers
to tackle these issues. The events and offers being put on are also a great
opportunity for people, young and old, to get more involved in their local
community, be it through classes, sports and community events. We always welcome
information from the community on crime, anti-social behaviour and other issues,
so I would encourage residents to engage with us and help us tackle the problems
affecting you. People can give us information in a number of ways, either
through speaking to their Neighbourhood Officers, calling 101, or the
independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. I would also encourage people
to register with our new, free community messaging service Mersey Now, where we
can keep you updated on community news and crime prevention advice."
Cllr Trish Hardy, Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing, said:- "We
have been working closely with partners such as Merseyside Police for some time
as we look to tackle anti-social behaviour and create safe, inclusive
communities in the borough. The launch of Operation Respect is shaping up to be
a great day and I am delighted that our Active Sefton team will be delivering
some of their hugely popular sessions on the day. The events organised as part
of Operation Respect are open to all, young and old, in the community and I look
forward to seeing everyone at the launch event."
5 arrested in connection to
Violent Disorder in Liverpool City Centre
arrested following the execution of 5 Warrants, at 5 properties throughout the
UK. The arrests came as part of an investigation by Merseyside Police into a
period of disorder, which took place in Liverpool City Centre, on Saturday, 27
February 2016. In total 33 people were arrested following the disturbance which
took place around Lime Street Station and St George's Hall.
We are told that this time
Merseyside Police Officers attended address in Dovecot, Liverpool, together with
addresses in:- Cheshire, Blackburn, Accrington and Midlothian, Scotland as part
on their ongoing investigation. We are also told that all 5 were arrested for:-
'Conspiracy to Commit Violent Disorder.' We are also told that they
were:- a 34 year old man, a 42 year old man, a 24 year old woman, a 19 year old
woman and a 50 year old man. The 5 have since been bailed until Tuesday, 23
August 2016.
Merseyside Police Detectives
are also continuing to appeal for anyone who hasn't already submitted video
footage or photographs that they took on the day to get in touch.
Detective Sergeant Louise Birchall, from the Major Crime Unit, said:-
"We are currently pursuing a number of lines of enquiry to identify other people
who may have been involved in criminal acts and disorder during that afternoon.
We are aware that a large number of people, who were there on the day, including
people who were simply bystanders, filmed or took photographs of what happened
on their cameras and mobile phones. We would ask anyone who has such footage and
who hasn't already done so to supply it to us so we can identify the people
responsible and bring them to justice."
Anyone with footage or
photographs can email them to:-
Disorder@Merseyside.Police.UK. |