Town grinds to a halt with day
trippers &

WITH plans to change traffic flow
underway on Lord Street, many hope that they taking into account the increasing
problems with traffic jams caused by events and day trippers. For businesses,
the hot weather, for some, it has lead to a much needed injection of cash, but
for others it has been extremely problematic. Over the Bank Holiday Monday and
over the weekend, thousands flocked to the town to go to the seaside. To add to
the issues on Bank Holiday Monday, 30 May 2016, 1 of the annual Loyalists
Parade took place as well, in the Town Centre. What are your views on the Town
Centre's Traffic System at present and how would you fix the issues that we have
been experiencing of late? Please email us to your views about our road network:-
To see more of our photographs that we took on the day, please click on
here now!

It's worth noting
that the next march will be held, on Saturday, 11 June 2016, when the Apprentice
Boys of Derry, Liverpool Area Branch Club's Annual Parade And Outing takes
place. So expect some delays again, but it's often worth watching the Parade.
To see more of our photographs that we
took on the day, please click on
here now! |