Survey finds Brits are
following Prince Harry's lead by putting work before love
ALL work and no play makes Prince Harry
a dull boy; the royal has revealed he puts his career before a relationship,
and a new survey finds that over ½ of Brits are following in his footsteps…
There's a famous quote that states that no one has ever said, on their
deathbed:- "I wish I'd spent more time at the office." However, because of
today's busy pace of life, it's easy to get caught up in the workplace, and put
our focus on our career, rather than everything else that matters outside it;
especially love and relationships. Even Prince Harry isn't immune; in a recent
interview, he said:- "At the moment, my focus is very much on work. To be
fair, I haven't had that many opportunities to get out there and meet people..." And it would seem he's not alone. Social dating app,, surveyed 1,000
Brits and found that over ½ of us; 50.7%, in fact; have put our career
before our love life before. And if you split the results between the sexes, men
are even more guilty of putting their emphasis on work, rather than meeting
someone: 52.8% favour the office over romance, compared with only 47.8% of
It all sounds slightly bleak, but just to try and ensure the human race doesn't
completely die out, have come up with some sound advice for those
who want to balance out their busy work schedules with the opportunity for
finding love. "We're all busier than ever... but it's too easy to let work just take over.
You have to make the effort, otherwise you might risk never meeting someone and
starting a relationship."
Things to consider:-
1. Take opportunities when you see them; if you fancy the barista making
your coffee on the way to a meeting, strike up a conversation. It could lead to
a date…
2. Make time for your interests and hobbies; not only will it offer
relaxation and downtime out of work, but it may also lead to meeting someone
3. If you genuinely never seem to have any spare time, why not have an early
morning date? A coffee and a chat before you start work might see you
entering the office with a spring in your step…
4. Convert what might have been a boring work do into a fun date; invite
someone to a talk, opening or exhibition you have to attend. At the very least,
you'll have someone to laugh with about how awful it was…
5. Burn calories and get your heart rate racing by combining a date with a
fun fitness activity; from bike riding to ping pong playing, it'll give you
something to bond over.
6. Network to find love; if the only people you always see in your free
time are your mates, get them to bring along friends of theirs you've not met
yet… it could spark an attraction.
7. Can't break that work routine? Well, fit your date into it. TrueView
introduces you to like-minded people and gets you chatting online much easier.
It means you can save real life meetings for the people you really seem to be
getting on with.
8. If all else fails, see if romance has been under your nose the whole time; apparently couples who meet at work are more likely to get married. So
maybe do a few fewer spreadsheets, and hang out by the coffee machine a little
more; you never know where that caffeine addiction could lead you… The champion of the National
Poetry Anthology could be from Southport
1 poet will represent Southport and the
surrounding Towns and Villages, in an annual best of UK poetry book; and the
closing date is almost here. Entry is free and over 100 winners will be selected
this year. They will receive a free copy of the book. 1 overall winner also gets £1,000 and a magnificent
trophy to keep for life. "The National Poetry Anthology is designed to encourage new writers...
We want the new edition to include a winner
from every town and village across the United Kingdom. So far, we haven't had
enough entries to achieve that." said its editor, Peter Quinn.
Send three unpublished poems on any subject (up to 25 lines including blank
lines and 160 words each) to United Press Ltd, Admail 3735, London, EC1B 1JB by
the closing date of June 30 2016. Enclose a loose stamp if you want a reply.
Alternatively send your entry by email to or logo on to the publishers
website if you want
more details. |
Local people surprised with
holidays in Liverpool

ACROSS Liverpool, local people have
been being surprised with holiday give away, by Walkers crisps. At the Old Swan
Tesco in Liverpool on St Oswalds Street, Ashley Lombard was surprised by a flash
mob of holiday makers who presented her with a holiday to Majorca.
Ashley was buying a multi bag of crisps on her way to visit a friend and said:-
"I go out to get a few things and I come back with a holiday from Tesco
and Walkers!?… Who's going to believe that?"
At the Tesco, located on Myrtle Street, in Liverpool, Jonathan Owens was also shocked when
he was awarded a holiday to Crete. Jonathan was on his lunch from University and
had popped into Tesco to buy a meal deal. He was with his girlfriend who was the
1 who put the bag of Walkers crisps in his bag. He said:- "I can't
believe I've won something like this, I didn't even realise she
(his girlfriend) had put the bag of crisps in the
basket! Perhaps from now on I should let her buy what she wants when we go

We are told that all the prizes were part of the Unexpected Holiday in Bagging Area competition being
run jointly by Tesco and Walkers.
Lastly, Lesley Davies got more than she bargained for when she ordered a Tesco
home delivery with a multi pack of Walkers. The driver said he'd forgotten
something, only to surprise Lesley with a pilot presenting her with a holiday to
Budapest! Lesley said:- "I'll definitely be rating my delivery driver 5/5...
He brought me a holiday…. and a pilot!"
Walkers have been surprising customers across the country by giving out the free
trips to people at checkouts who have brought packs of Spell and Go promotional
crisps in its stores across the Country. This also included 6 online
Walkers Spell and Go is where people collect letters with packs of crisps to be
in with a chance of winning one of 20,000 holidays.
Next of kin appeal to the
family of Paul Fellows
LIVERPOOL Coroner's Office have issued
an appeal for the public's help in tracing the family of Paul Fellows, from
Bootle, who died, on Thursday, 2 June 2016. We are told that Mr Fellows, was
aged 65 and lived in Oriel Road, Bootle. The Coroner's Office siad that:-
"The cause of death was natural causes and there are no suspicious circumstances
surrounding his death."
Anyone with information that could help the coroner trace Mr Fellows' next of
kin is asked to contact Pamela Robbins, at Liverpool Coroner's Office, on:- 0151
225 5066 or they can also send them an email |