Hospital in the North
West to provide Stretta® Therapy for NHS patients

ROYAL Liverpool University Hospital is
the 1st hospital in the North West, and second in the Country to provide Stretta® Therapy for NHS patients suffering from Gastro
Oesophageal Reflux
Disease (GORD).
The Stretta® Therapy, performed by Dr Howard Smart, is a safe and effective
treatment for chronic GORD patients who are not responding to medications and
wish to avoid surgery.
GORD is a common condition resulting from a weakened muscle ring or valve (the
lower oesophageal sphincter) located at the bottom of the gullet. This weakness
causes the stomach acid to leak up into the gullet producing symptoms such as
heartburn, acid reflux and an unpleasant taste in the back of the mouth.
During the short Stretta® procedure, the patient is given an anaesthetic and a
special catheter is passed through the mouth into the gullet. The device
delivers radiofrequency energy to strengthen and improve the function of the
valve, which prevents regurgitation or reflux.
The NICE approved procedure enables patients to return home on the same day and
allows them to return to work the day after treatment. As no surgery is involved
the patient has no wounds or scars.
Dr Howard Smart, consultant gastroenterologist at the Royal Liverpool University
Hospital, said:- "The Stretta® procedure has been used extensively in
Europe and North America to improve patient's GORD symptoms and quality of life.
A long term follow up study reveals that after 8 to 10 years symptom improvement
is maintained and approximately ⅔ of patients require no regular
acid reducing medication for their condition. Stretta® Therapy increases the
treatment options available for patients with GORD, filling the gap between
tablets and surgery."