Carers' Week brings
patients, families and Carers 'closer together'

LOCAL Mental Health Services celebrated
Carers' Week with a series of events to bring patients, families and Carers
closer together. Cheshire and Wirral Partnership (CWP) NHS Foundation
Trust hosted events in Macclesfield, Trafford, Chester and Wirral to raise
awareness of the important role hundreds of Carers play across the Region. The
Trust staffed a Carers' 'Info and Advice' stand at Trafford
Carers' Centre, Carers in Chester were treated to 'Mindfulness'
sessions and The Wirral Eating Disorder Service launched new training with a
'Carers' Workshop' for all attendees. Inpatient units also held
'Afternoon Tea', where patients thanked Carers by welcoming them to
the ward and showcasing their creative skills. Darren James Hughes, 25,
from Chester has been a patient at Greenways Assessment and Treatment Unit in
Macclesfield for the last 6 months. Darren said:- "Carers' Week has been
great as I've been able to take my family around the ward and show them the
fantastic work that we do with the team here. I like it here. The staff are so
caring. But it's even better to have your loved ones with you on the ward."
Siobain Peters, Occupational Therapist at CWP, said:- "Friends, family and
Carers are very important to our service users, as well as our volunteer visits.
I'm pleased that we've used Carers' Week to bring everyone closer together. Our
wards and departments provide a range of activities for patients, from sports
and music to arts and crafts. Events this week have allowed service users to
share their work and interests with the people that matter most to them."
Carers' Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the
challenges that Carers face and recognise the contribution Carers make to
families and communities throughout the UK. To find out more about Caring and
other ways to get involved at Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation
Trust search 'Get Involved' at:-