Resort ready for bumper
summer season

A group of dedicated environmental
volunteers have joined forces with Wirral Council to help keep New Brighton
looking 'ship shape' during the always busy summer season.
The 'New Brighteners' are well known in the area for their litter picking
and environmental activities around the resort and they have been working with
the Council, through a partnership led by the Wallasey Constituency Committee,
to make sure there are plenty of bins around the area over the summer months;
so there is no excuse for visitors leaving their rubbish on the beach or along
the promenade.
This includes the placement of 4 'bulk bins' around the Marine Lake
area, which each have a capacity of 1,100 litres and the installation of 10
bespoke litter bins nestled into the sea wall along Ian Fraser Walk.
The New Brighteners have also worked with the
Council to design the artwork that
adorns the bulk bins with the message:- 'Let's Keep New Brighton
Cllr Bernie Mooney, Cabinet member for Environment, said:- "We really
value our relationship with the New Brighteners. They contribute an awful lot to
keeping the beaches in the area clean; and have even now branched out further
into Wallasey and other areas. We are delighted that they are involved in
this campaign to encourage locals and visitors alike to dispose of their litter
properly if they come to the resort over the summer. It's so important that we
keep streets and beauty spots clean and spotless, so that locals and visitors
alike get to enjoy our fantastic peninsula at its very best."
The New Brighteners added:- "All of us have a responsibility to keep our
streets, beaches and parks free from litter, it's the courteous thing to do.
Many people use lack of bins as an excuse for leaving their rubbish behind so we
wanted to make sure we are doing as much as we can to encourage people to bin
their litter. The presence of these bins takes away any excuse people have for
dropping litter."
Tony Jones, Chair of New Brighton Coastal Community Team, said:- "It is
great that the Council and The New Brighteners are working together again to
help keep New Brighton looking its best. New Brighton is a historic
seaside resort with much heritage coupled with a modern offer which has seen the
area grow from the strength to strength. Many people have a great deal of
affection for New Brighton; we welcome them back to come and make new memories,
but also want to encourage them to respect our public spaces for the benefit of
The bulk bins will be emptied every Monday and Friday and will be in place until
the end of summer. The bins along the promenade are a permanent fixture and are
emptied daily. |