Merseyside School Games
Summer Festival

FRIDAY, 8 July 2016, will see around 2000
young people from schools across Merseyside compete in the Merseyside School
Games Summer Festival 2016.
The young people attending will enjoy a
Rio-inspired opening ceremony; get an Olympic park style experience, as
Wavertree Sports Park plays host to 17 different sporting events; and even get
the chance to meet former Paralympian triathlete, Rhiannon Henry.
The School Games programme is designed to motivate and inspire millions of young
people across the country to take part in more competitive school sport.

This county level event brings together the
'best of the best'
of Merseyside's
young sporting talent and has been organised by the Merseyside School Games
Operational Group, in association with Merseyside Sports Partnership. School
Games Organisers across Merseyside have been instrumental in delivering the
year-round local competitions which culminate in this Merseyside final.
David Sweeney, Chair of Merseyside School Games Operational Group, said:-
"Merseyside has a great sporting heritage and the Merseyside School Games
represents an opportunity to discover the world-class sporting stars of the
future. But more than that, we know from research by organisations, such as the
Sport and Recreation Alliance, that physical activity can have significant
benefit on academic performance and behaviour in class too, making participation
hugely beneficial to every one of the young people taking part."
Also speaking ahead of the event, the Bridgend born para-triathlon star Rhiannon
Henry, who will be there to inspire children on the day, commented:- "I am
excited to meet all the young participants and volunteers in attendance and my
aim is to raise their aspirations of what they can achieve. I know that it will
be a fantastic event so I cannot wait for the action to get underway in
Schools interested in getting involved with the future School Games events can
find out more by contacting their local School Games Organiser and by visiting:-