A 'River of Light'
LIVERPOOL and Wirral are joining forces
on a very special event; and there will be fireworks…
Plans are being developed to hold one of the defining events of 2016 on the
River Mersey, as Liverpool City Council and Wirral Council come together to
stage an unforgettable 5 November, Fireworks Celebration.
Although exact details are being kept under wraps for now, preparations are
underway to create an incredible spectacle for the tens of thousands of people
who are expected to line both sides of the river. A mid-river firework display
will wow the crowds, with some special added extras turning it into one of the
most ambitions fireworks events in the country.
It is hoped that by moving the City’s event to the waterfront, it will reach a
larger audience and have more of an impact on the local economy in both
Liverpool and Wirral.
Mayor of Liverpool, Joe Anderson, said:- “Anyone who has seen fireworks
displays on the waterfront; such as those last weekend for the 100th
anniversary of the Cunard Building; will know just how incredible it looks.
What we are planning for the 5 November is going to take it to the next level.
By working with colleagues in Wirral we can pool our resources and stage an
event which is bigger and better for residents and visitors, and will bring more
bang for our buck to both sides of the Mersey.
This year, 5th November is a Saturday night, so it feels like a great
opportunity to try something different. We want to make more of an evening of
the event than we are able to with the traditional park displays, and think we
can turn this into something which gets national attention.
The Three Queens spectacular last year is a great example of what we can achieve
when we work together. No doubt, the waterfront will be the place to be this
Fireworks night.”
Leader of Wirral Council, Councillor Phil Davies said:- “In recent years,
Wirral has shown she has the natural and civic resources to stage these big
ticket events. When the Cunard Three Queens visited last summer, Wirral offered
an unrivalled opportunity to participate in the celebrations along the river
with the best views of Liverpool's iconic UNESCO waterfront.
As I told global business leaders at the recent International Festival for
Business, the river has always played a major role in the economy of Wirral. We
now also have a vibrant tourist economy, and I am pleased to welcome another big
event to the calendar for 2016.”
Star Fireworks, one of the most successful and experienced firework display
companies in Europe and the current British Fireworks Champion of Champions,
have been awarded the contract to deliver the show. Andy Hubble the company’s MD
said:- ‘This is one of the most exciting shows we have ever had the chance
to be involved in. We are planning things the crowd will have never seen before
and know we are going to put on a show worthy of one of the most spectacular
locations you could ever wish to perform in.”
More information about the event will be revealed in the coming months. |
Chancellor George Osborne
hails £1.8million for places of worship in the North West
IT has announced that 26 historic
places of worship in the North West will benefit from a share of £1,751,500 to
address urgent roof repairs through the 'Listed Places of Worship - Roof Repair
Fund.' Places of worship across the region, from a variety of faiths and
denominations, will now be made weather tight, safe and open for use. This money
is part of a wider funding package, of £22.9million, to 401 historic places of
worship across the UK, that has just been announced.
Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said:- “Churches and cathedrals
are a pillar of British life and we are committed to ensuring future generations
will be able to admire and use these historic buildings.
Thanks to the work we’ve done over the last 6 years to secure Britain’s long
term economic security, we are able to support the upkeep and repair of places
of worship across the UK.”
Heritage Minister Tracey Crouch said:- “Churches and cathedrals are the
jewel in the crown of our national heritage and it is vital they remain in good
repair and are accessible for all. These buildings are at the heart of
communities across the country and I am delighted so many will benefit from this
important fund.”
The historic places of worship will receive between £10,000 to £100,000 to meet
the costs of urgent repairs to roofs and rainwater disposal systems. Money is
also being provided for structural investigations; specialist reports and bat
Sir Tony Baldry, Chair of the Church Buildings
Council:- “It is fantastic
that a further 400 church buildings will receive significant help with roof
repairs from government and we are hugely grateful to the Chancellor. We now
need to ensure a sustainable way of funding church buildings in the future and
this is a question for which I hope the Department for Culture Media and Sport
Taskforce on Church Buildings will find viable and deliverable answers.”
The grants have been awarded through the Government funded:- 'Listed Places of
Worship; Roof Repair Fund.' The fund was launched by the Chancellor in his Autumn
Statement in December 2014 and the funding package has now seen a total of 903
places of worship. Its worth mentioning that all those sites, across the UK,
will now receive a share of £55 million. We are told that the fund is administered by the National Heritage Memorial Fund (NHMF) on behalf
of the Department for Culture Media and Sport (DCMS).
The Government has also launched an English Churches and Cathedrals
Sustainability Review to help put these buildings on a more sustainable
financial footing. Chaired by Bernard Taylor, a panel of church and independent
experts will develop tools and resources so the important heritage buildings can
be maintained and protected for future generations. The 1st panel meeting will
be held on Thursday, 7 July 2016, and is expected to report back in April 2017.
A full list of awards made in the North West can be found below. A full list of
awards across the UK can be found at:-
Gov.UK/DCMS or