Wirral’s foster carers are
of Wirral’ says our vulnerable kids’ champion

WITTAL'S “Walks Of Life”
campaign has resulted in more than 200 queries from potential foster carers
looking to care for vulnerable children and young people in the borough.
With a new foster carer needed every 20 minutes across the UK, Wirral’s Pledge
Champion for Vulnerable Children has reiterated the need to carry on raising
Speaking at a special event in Birkenhead Park to mark one year since the foster
carer recruitment campaign was launched, Cllr Treena Johnson, Pledge Champion
for Vulnerable Children, said:- “Our foster carers are the best of Wirral;
opening up your homes, your lives and your hearts to give support, encouragement
and love to a young person in need is truly exceptional.
People like you make me so proud to call this borough home.”

Launched at the Light Cinema, New Brighton, a
year ago, the:- ‘Walks Of Life’ campaign used film, advertising and social
media to dispel myths about foster caring including misconceptions around who
can foster.
The latest phase of the campaign:- “Time to Foster, Time to Care” was
launched during Foster Care Fortnight in May 2016, and while the need to
recruit foster carers continues across the board; this phase is looking at the
need to recruit carers for over 10's, teenagers, and sibling groups.

Fostering roadshows have been delivered by fostering ambassadors, and foster
carers, children and young people have been sharing their most significant
moment of this past year via social media (#FCF2016).
The event in Birkenhead Park included a treasure hunt and activities organised
by the park rangers and fostering team.