Elvis Costello and The
Imposters have been in Liverpool
Photographs by Jo
THE performer and songwriter
extraordinaire Elvis
Costello was in Liverpool on Monday, 11
July 2016 in the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall. Performing to a packed out venue,
he gave a full 2 hours show to a delighted audience. this was a a no frills,
back to basics affair, but it has gone down well with the fans. He is still of
creative energy and its hard to thing he emerged back in 1977. From archetype of
the angry young man, he is now one of the best know English musicians of his
era, he is now the archetype professional role model for many up and coming acts
today. Did you see his show? If you did, please let us know what you thought of
it, via emailing us to:-
Did you know that he is real name is Declan Patrick MacManus?
Remember you can
photographic prints from us. Help us keep this site online. Please
don't brake our copyright by copying any of the text or images in this website,
even if its only for 'personal use.' |
Little hedgehog saved thanks
to Woolands Animal Sanctuary

ON Saturday, we found our regularly
visiting little hedgehog was obviously in distress. An earlier quick visit to
the vet had revealed nothing evident but its condition deteriorated and, being
the weekend, we could get no response from the usual sources, With some
trepidation we tried to contact the Police Wild Life Officer to see what else
might be suggested. The call was received by their switch board operator who
dealt with the call sympathetically, and on hearing that our computer was having
problems, did his own research and recommended Woodlands Animal Sanctuary as
most appropriate, as it has a hedgehog rescue programme. A "BIG THANK YOU"
to Merseyside Police for their time and effort to help a wee creature in need!
After a quick phone call, we set off to Woodlands and were met by kind and
efficient staff who were expecting us. Hedgie was swiftly examined and was found
to be heavily infested with fly eggs by that time. We were warned that if any
maggots had hatched and burrowed in, it was too late. However, the staff rapidly
set to work on the painstaking task of removing every single egg by means of
tweezers, and we are pleased to say they were successful and he is reported to
be doing well.
We are told that if you see any of this endangered species foraging abroad in
the day time, there is always something wrong and action is needed. The
sanctuary number is:- 01704 822 828 and they will be happy to advise, as would
Freshfields Animal Sanctuary or other animal welfare agency. This species is in
decline, and needs our vigilance to survive.
Woolands Animal Sanctuary, Holmswood, West Lancs, in its July 2016 newsletter states that they have
released 150 hedgehogs back into the wild and they have some 70 more, many
little hoglets, currently in residence, including Hedgehog 538 from Formby! This
numbering system makes it easy to ring and check progress from time to time.
Of course, hedgehogs are not their only residents, a large number of cats are
passing through and many have been successfully re-homed. There are horses,
donkeys, goats and exotics, even a baby badger has been helped recently and
returned to his sett.
Of interest to many families, schools and youth groups, is their education
programme. The staff and some of their charges, usually themed and involving 1
to 3 creatures at a time, will make visits, to provide contact with actual
animals along with facts and a goody bag of games to play and information to
peruse. Their fact sheet says:- "Other visits include Donkey Day Out, Pony
Experience and Goat Meet and Feed. Our visits can be customised for any
particular interest or theme." If you would like an information leaflet,
please send them an
email or call:- 01704 823 293.
It is obvious that care like they provide needs a lot of money. If you, or your
organisation, feel inclined to help, in big ways or small, do contact them.
There are many events including bag packing, street collections, car boot sales,
in need if items and much more. Forthcoming events include:- 'Mini Open
Day Reptile Special', on Sunday, 24 July 2016... Plus bring your dog to
compete in our fun dog show! 'The Family Fun Day' takes place on
Sunday, 4 September 2016. For more information about the infamous Family Fun
Day, please visit our Facebook
Page. Woodlands also has
an Amazon Wish list for donations to be made. This is an interesting and
worthwhile present to be made on someone's birthday perhaps? You can also make
contact with The sanctuary, via popping round. It's located in Holmwood Village,
right next to
Sands Wood Nature Reserve; itself well worth a visit!
