Local law firm supports
seaside trip for amputees
MORE than 35 amputees, carers and
family members were able to enjoy a trip to Llandudno after a local law firm
offered to fund a bus ride to the popular North Wales seaside Town.
Southport based Birchall Blackburn Law donated more than £550 to the social
enterprise company, Amputation Inspiration Motivation (AIM), so it could take
its members on the day out.
As well as offering amputees help, support and guidance on rehabilitation,
prosthetics, benefits and returning to work, AIM works to prevent loneliness and
social exclusion. The organisation helps fund activities through donations and
by giving inspiring and motivational talks to businesses, colleges and schools.
Jackie Palmer, AIM's Director of Administration, says:- "A few of our
amputees have never been out of their home town and the trip to Llandudno was a
massive deal for them. Amputees can experience a lot of isolation. Spending days
pottering with family and friends in a new place can make a big difference.
We were so taken aback by Birchall Blackburn Law's Dianne and Kelly when they
offered to support the trip. We have to hire an exclusive bus with a side lift
for all our members with wheelchairs. There are not a lot of these types of
buses available and it can add between £200 and £300 to the cost. So, we need
all the help we can get from the business community. It was a great day for
everyone; from our youngest member, a 3 year old boy, to our elderly members in
their seventies. Llandudno is a fantastic and busy day out. The feedback we're
getting from everyone about the trip is fantastic and we've already been asked
when the next 1 is."
Dianne Yates, Partner and Head of Serious and Catastrophic Injury for Birchall
Blackburn Law, says:- "AIM is a group of dedicated, passionate and
inspiring people who do incredible work. The team helps amputees face the future
and live fulfilling lives. We thoroughly recommend that you try and see 1 of
their motivational talks because they'll inspire anyone to do great things."
AIM was created by Steve Cruse and former soldier Andy Reid. Andy lost his arm
and both legs when he stood on an IED serving in Afghanistan in 2009. Steve was
seriously injured and lost both his legs in a car crash in Australia in 2008.
Against the odds both have gone on to achieve extraordinary things and help
hundreds of fellow amputees to make the most of their futures.
The social enterprise also produces a bi-monthly newsletter, which features
amputee stories and details of all up and coming events. The newsletter sent and
emailed to over 300 amputees and 40 prosthetic centres.
For more information about AIM go to
WeAreiam.org, send an
or call them on:- 01744 808 100. You can also follow AIM on Facebook at:- AmputationInspirationMotivation
and on Twitter:- @AIMnwUK. |