Enjoy The Summer Holidays
But Stay Safe

THE summer holidays are finally here
and as children and families make exciting plans for the coming weeks, North
West Ambulance Service is asking everyone to take extra care to make sure their
holidays don't get spoilt by harm or injury.
The majority of emergency 999 calls the Trust receives are for seriously ill or
life threatening conditions, but over the summer calls significantly increase
for incidents that can be easily prevented if everyone took care of themselves
and each other.
Ged Blezard, Interim Director of Operations explains:- "We all want to
enjoy the long summer days, but no 1 wants a visit to A&E interrupting their
holidays. This time of year we traditionally see a rise in the number of
children and young people involved in accidents which can be easily avoided.
Last summer we had 90 call outs to water related incidents during July and
August so we are urging parents and care providers to keep an eye on what their
children are doing over the holidays. By keeping safe, we can all enjoy
the Summer, however brief it may be, and it helps to ensure that those who
really need our care can receive a timely response."
Here are some top tips to help stay safe throughout the summer months:-
In the Heat...
► Drink lots of water It is important to keep hydrated as you lose more
fluid than you take in during hotter temperatures, this is also vital if you are
doing any physical activity and when you are travelling long distances.
► Keep out of the sun It is best to try to stay in the shade between
the hours of 11am to 3pm, as this is when the sun is at its hottest.
► Wear sunscreen and sunglasses Apply a sun cream of at least factor 15
that includes UVA protection and make sure your sunglasses have UV protection
lenses to protect your eyes.
► Loose clothing Wear light, loose fitting cotton clothes along with a
► Look out for others Keep a check on those vulnerable to the effects
of heat, especially the elderly, young children and babies and those who have a
heart or respiratory condition such as asthma.
► Never leave babies, young children or animals in a parked vehicle
Temperatures can soar in a parked car very quickly, and children under the age
of 2 are particularly at risk of getting heatstroke or heat exhaustion.
Water safety...
► Unsupervised water Don't be tempted to take a dip in reservoirs,
canals, lakes and rivers to cool down. There are hidden dangers lurking under
the surface such as deep and cold water, debris and underwater currents which
can result in drowning.
► Keep an eye out Children should always be supervised when they are in
or around water and make sure they are swimming within designated areas.
► Don't be pushy Never run, push or jump on others when in a swimming
pool or at the beach and if you see someone in difficulty tell a lifeguard or
call 999.
► On the water If out in a boat or canoe always wear a lifejacket.
Out and About
► Pokemon Go As children and adults alike are getting busy playing the
latest mobile app it's important to always be aware of your surroundings to
avoid any accidents and not get too absorbed looking at your phone screen.
► Road safety When out on a bike or scooter always wear a helmet, be
aware of busy roads and cross roads safely.
► Dangerous playgrounds Make sure you know where your children are
going to ensure they aren't playing in any hazardous areas such as railway
tracks or abandoned buildings and always arrange a time for when they are going
to be home.
► Stick together Don't walk away and leave friends to get home on their
Medical help and advice is also available at your Local Urgent Care Centre, by
contacting your GP, calling NHS:- 111 or visiting a Pharmacist.
By taking these steps it will help to keep our services free for those who are
most in need and also ensure everyone has an enjoyable summer. |