Lord Mayor's boost for

3 local charities have received a
£35,000 boost from an appeal by a former Lord Mayor.
Councillor Tony Concepcion nominated Ronald McDonald House, KIND and Lister
Steps as his charities during his year in Office, 2015/6.
A series of events ranging from a fashion show and a Valentine's Day ball to
coffee mornings were held to raise the £35,000 which will be divided between the
3 charities.
Councillor Concepcion is also making a donation from the appeal to the Women's
Hospital Neo-Natal Unit. Councillor Tony Concepcion said that:- "I was really pleased about how much was raised.
I would like to say a really big thank you to the members of the charity
committee who worked so hard throughout the year. And, of course, a very special
thank you to everybody who donated to the appeal; we know Liverpool people are
very generous and their support for these charities proves it. It was very
difficult to choose which charities to support as there are so many good causes
but I think most people will recognise the great work these three do; so once,
again a very heartfelt thank you for all who supported this appeal."
Local respite unit raise
funds for Macmillan Cancer Support

PATIENTS and staff from a Wirral
learning disability respite unit recently raised over £250 at a 'summer
lights' fundraising event for Macmillan Cancer Support.
Staff from Thorn Heys Respite Unit, the base for Cheshire and Wirral Partnership
NHS Foundation Trust's (CWP) Wirral Learning Disability Services, held the
fundraising event supported by patients, carers, family members and colleagues
from Ashton House Learning Disability Community Team.
On the day, attendees took part in a variety of activities including a raffle, a
'guess the jelly beans jar' contest and a separate play area was provided
for the children.
Summer Lights is a national fundraiser by Macmillan that asks supporters to
invite the people who light up their life to a 'Summer Lights' gathering
in the afternoon or evening, either indoors or in the garden, in exchange for a
donation to Macmillan.
Jean Brennan, Unit Manager at Thorn Heys Respite Unit, said:- "It was a
fantastic event and we managed to raise a massive £291. As the unit manager I am
really proud of the team and all of the hard work they put into this event." CWP
provides mental health and learning disability services to the people of Wirral.
For more information visit the Trust's new
Firearms incident in Bootle
MERSEYSIDE Police are investigating a
firearms incident took place, on Tuesday, 9 August 2016, in Bootle. We are told
that it was shortly after 11.15pm, that Merseyside Police received information
that shots had been fired at an address on Waterside, Bootle. Officers attended
the address and found damage consistent with a shotgun discharge to the front
door. Damage was also found to a Ford Fiesta at the scene, which is believed to
have been caused by bricks. No one was injured during the incident. High
visibility patrols have been stepped up in the area as a result. Detective
Inspector Richie Jones from Matrix said:- "An investigation into the full
circumstances surrounding the incident is ongoing. I would appeal to anyone who
may have seen anyone acting suspiciously in the area around Waterside shortly
before, or after the incident, to contact us, as information they have could be
vital to our inquiries. I am particularly interested in talking to anyone who
may have seen three males, wearing dark clothing, in the area shortly before the
incident took place. Anyone with information is urged to call the specialist
Matrix team on:- 0800 230 0600 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on:- 0800 555
Help for 1st time buyers
isn't enough, says Southport lawyer

MORE help for 1st time buyers in the
North West is needed, according to a Southport residential property law expert.
Michael Foxford, partner at Cambridge Road based Birchall Blackburn Law, said
people are struggling to get on the housing ladder due to a number of reasons
and existing initiatives don't go far enough to help.
His comments come following a report from the Resolution Foundation which
revealed home ownership in England has fallen to the lower levels in 30 years.
The report, based on analysis of the latest Labour Force Survey, showed in early
2016 only 58% of households in Greater Manchester were homeowners, compared with
a peak of 72% in 2003.
In outer London, the peak in ownership came earlier, in 2000, but the fall was
also from 72% then to 58% in February. The West Midlands and Yorkshire have also
seen double digit drops, driven by declines in Sheffield and Leeds.
Michael also said more houses need to be built; to meet the demand for 1st time buyers as well as the rest of the buying market.
Michael said:- "For many becoming a home owner is just a dream with little
chance of ever becoming a reality. For instance, many who rent don't have the
means to also save up for a deposit and some people don't earn enough to be able
to put aside the large sums needed.
While the Help to Buy ISA does benefit some people, the feedback we are seeing
is people need this to go further, perhaps with increased bonuses.
There's also the shared ownership scheme under the Help to Buy banner where you
can buy a share of your home and pay rent on the remaining share, and while
these schemes do support people, more needs to be done if we're ever to see home
ownership get back to their previous levels. Aside from this more houses need to
be built; we need more affordable homes for people on ordinary incomes sooner
rather than later."
Do you have any views on this topic? Please let us know
your thoughts via emailing them to:-
A property in Bootle is closed by court order
MERSEYSIDE Police have been granted a
closure order against a property on Wadham Road, Bootle, following reports of
anti social behaviour. On Friday, 5 August 2016, Merseyside Police successful
obtained a full closure order on 102 Wadham Road, at South Sefton Magistrates
Court. The property has since been boarded up and will remain subject of a
closure order for 3 months, expiring on 4 November 2016. Neighbourhood Inspector
Ian Jones said:- "We can confirm that a full closure order has been put in
place at an address on Wadham Road. The order was applied for by the local
neighbourhood policing team, working in partnership with Sanctuary Housing, in
response to repeated incidents of anti social and violent crime brought to our
attention by members of the community. The complaints received included
incidents of anti social behaviour, intimidation, drug taking and several
assaults linked to the address and nearby South Park. The order was approved in
South Sefton Magistrates Court and means the occupants are removed and nobody
can enter the premises for 3 months. Anyone, other than those specified in the
order, found to be on the premises will be subject to arrest. We used this power
in an effort to reduce the level of crime reported in the area of South Park and
to allow the local residents of Bootle to enjoy the quality of life that they
are entitled to. The order will run for 3 months and will be reviewed by
officers at its conclusion. The property was associated with anti social
behaviour in the area and appeared to have become a hub for local gangs in the
area. We will continue to target offenders and any properties associated with
them who continue to cause problems for the community, and we will do this using
all lawful powers available to us in order to make Bootle a safer and more
peaceful place to live. This closure order was only made possible due to the
assistance of the local community and the close working relationship between the
police and Sanctuary Housing. We will continue to be robust in tackling criminal
activity and anti social behaviour and I would encourage any members of the
community who have any information to call us via our:- 101 number or through
Crimestoppers, anonymously, on:- 0800 555 111." |