Wirral NHS trust showcases
good looks like'

OVER 200 patients, staff, partners and
members of the public joined local mental health trust CWP at a recent
healthcare exhibition at Wirral's Floral Pavilion theatre.
The 'Best Practice' event, hosted by Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS
Foundation Trust's (CWP), was an exhibition of the most innovative, exciting and
inspiring work done by the trust over the past year to ensure the best possible
outcomes for people who access services, their carers and families.
Over 35 different services from across CWP's footprint showcased their
achievements at the event, with projects including a Complex Needs Service
significantly reducing self harm and admissions to A&E and the successful roll
out of mental health awareness training in a number of Wirral secondary schools.
The event also saw the launch of CWP's annual Big Book of Best Practice
Dr Anushta Sivananthan, CWP Medical Director, said:- "I'm absolutely
thrilled that we have an event that allows our nurses, doctors and therapists to
share our achievements with the wider community. Knowing what good looks like is
vital to improving all areas of the NHS, and it's so important that we are able
to share learning gained from the achievements of others. That's what our Best
Practice event is all about."

To help kick off the event, CWP were joined by
VIP guests Angie and Tony Russell, Co-Directors of the Positive Practice in
Mental Health Collaborative; a multi agency organisation, with a membership of
over 80 professional bodies who aim to raise the national profile of mental
Tony Russell said:- "We believe it's important to identify and share best
practice in mental health. We therefore commend CWP for their excellent work and
are proud to have them as key members of the Positive Practice in Mental Health

CWP's Best Practice event was inspired by the Trust's Zero Harm campaign. Zero
Harm's key message is 'Stop. Think. Listen', which involves supporting
everyone to deliver the best care possible, as safely as possible to reduce
avoidable harm.
CWP delivers mental health and learning disability services to the people of
Wirral. The Trust's Big Book of Best Practice 2016/17 is available
Supplier switching scheme
opens for another round of savings

A Merseyside resident has spoken of how
he managed to save his elderly mum more than £1,000 off her energy bills by
taking part in an innovative Merseyside wide scheme.
Bromborough resident David Bailey signed his mother Margaret up for the last
round of the Merseyside Collective Switch after reading about the savings that
could be made on fuel bills.
The idea behind:- 'collective switching' is that the greater the number of
people looking to switch the greater the negotiating power to secure exclusive
tariffs from energy suppliers.
Mr Bailey, who saved his mum £1,067 through switching, said:- "I'm
thrilled with the big savings made for my mother and think it's great we are
coming together as a community to get a cheaper deal on our energy bills. It was
so simple and quick to do, I would recommend it to anyone.''
The Merseyside Collective Switch has saved local people in excess of £1million
on their energy bills through switching to a cheaper energy tariff.
To date, the scheme has delivered 6 rounds of collective switching. The last
collective was the biggest yet, with over 7,000 people taking part and average
savings of £311 a year. The 7th round is now open for registration.
Residents will need to register before midnight on the 31 October 2016 in order to
access the exclusive collective switch offers tariffs.
Cllr Bernie Mooney, Wirral Council Cabinet member for Environment, said:-
"Switching your energy tariff is a really quick and simple way to save money. If
you haven't switched for more than 12 months, you may be on your supplier's most
expensive tariff. The Merseyside Collective Switch is run by a local charity, is
open to everybody, and there's lots of support available. The deals are often
market beating and therefore cheaper than you can find elsewhere. I want
everyone to register and find out how much you could save."
Organised by local charity, Energy Projects Plus, in partnership with the 6
Merseyside local authorities, the Merseyside Collective Switch was set up in
2013 to help local people to save money on their energy bills.
Collective switching works by using collective buying power to negotiate
exclusive tariffs from energy suppliers.
Previous rounds of the switch have
attracted exclusive offers from both the large and smaller suppliers, including:-
British Gas, E.on, and Ovo. The offers have included fixed tariffs, tariffs for
'payment on receipt of bill' customers and tariffs for prepayment meter
In addition to the Collective Switch offer, participants are welcome to switch
to any tariff on the market to find the deal that's right for them, with tariffs
shown against each other for comparison.
The scheme aims to make it easier to switch supplier and advisors are on hand to
offer free and impartial help every step of the way.
To join the Collective Switch visit:-
LCREnergySwitch.Co.UK or call the local
Save Energy Advice Line on freephone:- 0800 043 0151. |