Merseyside smokers urged to
use free support this 'Stoptober'

LOCAL health organisations are
encouraging smokers to sign up to 'Stoptober' ; the 28 day quitting challenge,
with a clear message that:- "with so much free, expert support; there has
never been a better time to quit smoking." The campaign has returned with even more free motivational support including
support via the new 'Stoptober' app, a daily email service and Facebook Messenger
bot which when cravings strike can provide instant support.
Local services and pharmacies are also available to provide free, expert
face to face support and guidance. People who quit with the support of a stop
smoking service adviser are four times more likely to successfully stop for
Healthier Futures a social enterprise that helps people in Cheshire and
Merseyside to live longer, healthier, happier lives has pulled together 5 top
tips to help beat cravings and quit this October and beyond:-
1. Make a fresh start – throw away your cigarettes, ashtrays and lighters.
2. Avoid temptation – know where and when you might be tempted at the
start, and try and avoid these places.
3. Share the good news – tell people you want to quit and how you're
4. Get free online support – download the Stoptober smart phone
5. Get free face to face expert support – contact your local stop smoking
Eileen O'Meara, Chair of the Cheshire and Merseyside Directors of Public Health
Executive Board and Director of Public Health and Public Protection, Halton
Borough Council said:- "Stoptober is a great opportunity for smokers
across Cheshire to quit together alongside friends, family and thousands of
other people in our area.
There has never been a better time to stop smoking, with lots of help and
support available. It doesn't matter how many times you have tried before, call
our specialist stop smoking advisers and take on the challenge this year.
Quitting is the single best thing you can do for your health and with the help
of our local stop smoking advisers, the campaign's support and motivation I am
sure we will have another successful 'Stoptober'."
Andrea Crossfield, Chief Executive of Healthier Futures said:- "I
encourage everyone who smokes in Cheshire to take on the Stoptober challenge
this year, for a healthier and wealthier future for you and your family.
After another successful 'Stoptober,' in 2015, which saw over 30,000 people in
the North West sign up, it would be great to see even more people pledge to stop
and join together to make a positive change. If you stop smoking for 28 days
then you are five times more likely to stop for good, improving your health and
putting more money into your pocket.
Remember you're not alone, there are local stop smoking advisers here to support
you to quit smoking throughout the year. If you stop with a local adviser you
are even more likely to quit for good, so get in contact today for free help and
Find your local service at:-
NHS.UK/SmokeFree or drop into your local
pharmacy for a chat." |