Wirral Council appeals for
Pictures to help replace stolen Thurstaston plaque

WIRRAL Council is taking action to
replace the brass map which was recently stolen from the viewing point at the
top of Thurstaston Hill.
The plaque sat on a sandstone plinth at the highest point on the hill, and
guided visitors to the panoramic views across the Dee to North Wales and the
Mersey to Liverpool.
It was stolen in August 2016 and has not been found.
The replacement plaque will be produced using photographs of the original brass
map; and that's where local people can help.
The Council has some images which will help to produce the new plaque, but
members of the public can help by sharing their photographs of the map in its
former glory.
To share your photographs or stay in touch with developments on the project,
contact Local Team Leader Paul Greenslade on:- 0151 677 7594 or
The Council is keen to ensure that the new plaque is in keeping with the
tradition of what was there previously and that it highlights how valuable the
site is to the local community and visitors. Cllr Jeff Green, Chair of the Wirral West Constituency Committee, said:-
"The Constituency Committee places a strong focus on improving local amenities
in Wirral West, by providing funding for projects or helping groups to access
the support they need from the Council and others.
This was a particularly mean crime in that the theft of this map has spoilt this
much loved place for our residents and visitors alike – and I have offered the
support of the Constituency Committee to help put things right."
Anyone who has any information about the theft of the original plaque can still
contact Merseyside Police by calling:- 101 or by calling the Crimestoppers line
anonymously on:- 0800 555111 or ranger Paul Greenslade on:- 0151 677 7594.