Mini Police join National
Road Safety Week campaign
have taken out their Mini Police to carry out a campaign to warn speeding
drivers in Bootle and Litherland, as part of National Road Safety Week.
Members of Hatton Hill Primary School's Mini Police have stopped
around 20 vehicles, on Hatton Hill Road, using the speed gun and issuing warning
letters and posters to drivers, advising them to stick to the speed limit.
Later on, members of St Monica's Catholic Primary School, in
Bootle, also carried out a campaign near to their school, stopping a further 10
vehicles to issue advice.
Neighbourhood Sergeant Jon Coote said:- "When our young
Mini Police stop drivers, the dangers of speeding really hit home. We are so
proud of the excellent work the Mini Police are doing with us since their
introduction. If this makes people think twice about their driving, especially
near to schools, the roads will be much safer for everyone."

So what do you think about this idea? Do you think it is a good
idea? Please email us your views to:- |
Road safety week – DROPS
BIFFA, Merseyside
Police and Wirral Council have joined forces to improve road safety on the roads
of Merseyside. The DROPS initiative, Driving Recklessly On Pavements, has been
operating in several areas in the UK and enables Biffa operatives to report
examples of dangerous and careless driving to Police Forces who then investigate
the cases and take appropriate action. Evidence is obtained by the CCTV systems
fitted to Biffa vehicles and is provided to Police. It will now operate across
the Merseyside area.
Every year, Biffa staff are placed in danger by drivers who drive onto pavements
and grass verges instead of waiting whilst refuse bins are collected and
DROPS is part of the Merseyside Police strategy to reduce the number of
casualties on the roads of Merseyside via partnership working and enforcement
and is addition to the increased use of unmarked vehicles and dedicated
operations to address those drivers who cause and contribute to casualty
Driving related incidents reported to MSOC Roads Policing under the DROPS
initiative will be assessed, taking into account all available evidence.
Outcomes may include:-
► Prosecution.
► National Driver Offender Rehabilitation Scheme (NDORS).
► Written letter to registered keeper of 'offending' vehicle.
Biffa business manager Gary Robinson underlined the importance of Police support
for the DROPS campaign:- "Every day, my crews put their trust, and their
lives, in the hands of other drivers. Sadly, a minority of impatient drivers
abuse that trust by driving on pavements to get around our collection vehicles,
so risking the lives of my crews and members of the public. The support and
proactive involvement of Merseyside Police and Wirral Council's road safety team
makes an enormous difference. Biffa staff know that the power of the police is
there to back them up, helping to make their job safer on Wirral's streets and
Sgt Paul Mountford from the Merseyside Police Matrix Roads Policing Unit said:-
"DROPS enables us to better identify and deal with those drivers whose
dangerous, impatient and thoughtless actions place Biffa operatives doing their
jobs and the general public at risk. We will adopt a 0 tolerance approach to
these individuals. They have no place on the roads of Merseyside, only those
drivers who, by their actions place others at risk need to be concerned. They
will include not only those who drive onto pavements, but also those who
obstruct the pavements for pedestrians, forcing them to walk in the road.
Pavements are for people, not cars."
KIND to be awarded Freedom of Liverpool
A local charity which
has helped tens of thousands of families cope with disadvantage and poverty over
the last 4 decades is being awarded the Freedom of Liverpool.
'KIND' – 'Kids in Need and Distress'; has been in
existence since 1975 and carries out most of its work from a state of the art
'SEED Centre' in Toxteth which has classrooms, gardens, allotments, a
kitchen and health and wellbeing space.
It offers a range of tailor made educational activities, projects and support
for children and families to improve self confidence, develop their education
and skills, re-engage with education, think creatively; live healthily and
develop a sense of social responsibility as well as tackling bullying, racism,
hate crime and anti social behaviour.
KIND also holds week long summer residential breaks for disadvantaged children
aged 6 and 13 in Wales which includes outdoor activities to help them to learn
both about themselves and the environment.
Their annual Christmas hamper appeal delivers food parcels and toys to up to
1,000 needy families, and the charity also provides year, round help with items
such as household goods and clothing.
Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Councillor Roz Gladden, said:- "The City of
Liverpool is extremely fortunate to have KIND providing help and support to
disadvantaged families. In these difficult times, their excellent work and
support in inspiring, empowering and supporting people is needed more than ever.
I am delighted to be able to award KIND the Freedom of Liverpool, the City's
highest civic honour, and an acknowledgement of the amazing work their trustees,
staff and volunteers are doing every single day to improve the lives of
vulnerable people."
Stephen Yip MBE, Chief Executive of KIND said:- "For a small organisation
such as KIND, this achievement is not only an amazing honour but recognition of
our work and principles which we have lived by for the last 4 decades. Like many
things in Liverpool, we are different and that difference has enabled us to not
only survive during many difficult economic times, but to also develop, improve
and increase the range of children and families to whom we offer out services.
KIND lives on the kindness of its friends and without that support we could
achieve very little. Today we need that support more than ever so we can
continue making a difference too many young lives."
More information about KIND can be found
72 year old male jailed for
historical sexual offences
Monday, 28 November 2016, welcomed the sentencing of a 72 year old man for
historical sexual offences. Joseph Catton, of Sefton Moss Villas, Litherland,
was found guilty after trial of 2 offences of rape and 8 offences of indecent
assault and sentenced to 16 years in prison at Liverpool Crown Court. The
offences took place during the 1970's and 1980's.
Detective Inspector Jacqueline Fitzpatrick said:- "Catton's victims have
shown an immense amount of bravery coming forward. Time should never be a
barrier to obtaining justice and I hope today's sentence gives his victims some
sense of closure and vindicates their decision to come forward. Merseyside
Police takes every report of sexual offences extremely seriously, whether or not
they are recent, and has dedicated officers who are specially trained to both
thoroughly investigate allegations and make sure that those reporting them are
properly supported. I would like to take this opportunity to reassure anyone who
has suffered a sexual offence that if you can find the courage to come forward
and speak to us, we will deal with you sensitively and make sure that reports
are properly and thoroughly investigated."
People can call Merseyside Police on:- 101. Information can also be passed to
Crimestoppers, anonymously, on:- 0800 555 111. |