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Weekly Edition - Publication date:- 2016-12-02

-en Southport & Mersey Reporter

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A full round up of bus, train and ferry services across the Christmas and New Year period

COMMUTERS using Merseytravel over Christmas and New Year are being advised to pick up a guide from any Merseytravel Centres, that will include the updated tables and list the late night bus and train services on offer. The Kingsway (Wallasey) Mersey Tunnel and the Queensway (Birkenhead) Mersey Tunnel, will be open throughout the holiday period.

Christmas Eve - Saturday, 24 December 2016

► Buses will run to their normal timetables, but services will finish earlier than usual.

► Wirral, Northern and City Line rail services will run to Saturday timetables with an earlier finish.

► Mersey Ferries - The River Explorer Cruise will run, departing from the Pier Head at 11am, then hourly until the last service which will depart from the Pier Head at 3pm, arriving, at Seacombe 3.20pm, Woodside 3.30pm and finishing at Pier Head, at 3.50pm.

Christmas Day - Sunday, 25 December 2016

► A special network of free bus services, funded by Merseytravel, will run between approximately 12 noon and 7pm, serving most of the region's / area's main Hospitals.

► No other bus services will run on Christmas Day.

► No trains will run.

► Mersey Ferries will not operate.

► There is FREE travel through both the Birkenhead and Wallasey tunnels, between 10pm, on 24 December 2016 and 6am, on 26 December 2016.

Boxing Day ? Monday, 26 December 2016

► Some bus services will run to normal timetables, with an earlier finish. Some will not operate.

► Wirral and Northern lines will run a limited service calling at selected stations.

► City Line trains will not operate.

► Mersey Ferries will not operate.

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

► Some buses will operate a Sunday service, some services will not operate

► Wirral Line trains will run to Saturday timetables.

► Northern Line trains will run to Saturday timetables.

► City line trains - there are service alterations due to engineering works in Central Manchester. For details of the Christmas and New Year services over this period, please contact National Rail Enquiries on:- 03457 48 49 50 or contact the service operator.

► Northern Rail trains between Preston - Ormskirk and Kirkby - Wigan - Manchester will run to their normal timetables.

► ArrivaTrains Wales trains will run to a Bank Holiday service (every 2 hours)

► Mersey Ferries - The River Explorer Cruise will run, departing from the Pier Head at 11am, then hourly until the last service which will depart from the Pier Head, at 3pm, arriving, at Seacombe 3.20pm, Woodside 3.30pm and finishing at Pier Head, at 3.50pm.

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

► Some buses will operate a normal or Saturday service, some services will not operate

► Wirral Line trains will run to Saturday timetables.

► Northern Line trains will run to Saturday timetables.

► City Line - there are service alterations due to engineering works in Central Manchester. For details of the Christmas and New Year services over this period, please contact National Rail Enquiries on:- 03457 48 49 50 or contact the service operator.

► Northern Rail trains between Preston - Ormskirk and Kirkby - Wigan - Manchester will run to their normal timetables.

► Arriva Trains Wales trains will run to a Bank Holiday service (every 2 hours).

► Mersey Ferries - The River Explorer Cruise will run, departing from the Pier Head at 11am, then hourly until the last service which will depart from the Pier Head, at 3pm, arriving, at Seacombe, 3.20pm, Woodside, at 3.30pm and finishing, at the Pier Head, at 3.50pm.

Thursday, 29 December 2016

► Some buses will operate a normal or Saturday service, some services will not operate

► Wirral Line trains will run to Saturday timetables.

► Northern Line trains will run to Saturday timetables.

► City Line there are service alterations due to engineering works in Central Manchester. For details of the Christmas and
New Year services over this period, please contact National Rail Enquiries on:- 03457 48 49 50 or contact the service operator.

► Northern Rail trains between Preston - Ormskirk and Kirkby - Wigan - Manchester will run to their normal timetables.

► ArrivaTrains Wales trains will run to a Bank Holiday service (every 2 hours).

► Mersey Ferries - The River Explorer Cruise will run, departing from the Pier Head at 11am, then hourly until the last service which will depart from the Pier Head, at 3pm, arriving at Seacombe 3.20pm, Woodside 3.30pm and finishing at Pier Head at 3.50pm.

Friday, 30 December 2016

Some buses will operate a normal or Saturday service, some services will not operate.

► Wirral Line trains will run to Saturday timetables.

► Northern Line trains will run to Saturday timetables.

► City line there are service alterations due to engineering works in Central Manchester. For details of the Christmas and New Year services over this period, please contact National Rail Enquiries on:- 03457 48 49 50 or contact the service operator.

► Northern Rail trains between Preston - Ormskirk and Kirkby - Wigan - Manchester will run to their normal timetables.

► Arriva Trains Wales trains will run to a Bank Holiday service (every 2 hours) - see Wirral Line timetable leaflet for full details.

► Mersey Ferries - The River Explorer Cruise will run, departing from the Pier Head, at 11am, then hourly until the last service which will depart from the Pier Head, at 3pm, arriving, at Seacombe, 3.20pm, Woodside, 3.30pm and finishing at Pier Head at 3.50pm.

New Year's Eve - Saturday, 31 December 2016

► Buses will operate a normal or Saturday service, but will finish earlier than usual.

► Wirral Line trains will run to Saturday timetables with an early finish.

► Northern Line trains will run to Saturday timetables with an early finish.

► City Line there are service alterations due to engineering works in Central Manchester. For details of the Christmas and New Year services over this period, please contact National Rail Enquiries on:- 03457 48 49 50 or contact the service operator.

► Northern Rail trains between Preston - Ormskirk and Kirkby - Wigan - Manchester will run to their normal timetables with an early finish.

► Arriva Trains Wales trains will run to a normal Saturday timetable with an early finish.

► Mersey Ferries - The River Explorer Cruise will run, departing from the Pier Head at 11am, then hourly until the last service which will depart from the Pier Head at 3pm, arriving at Seacombe, 3.20pm, Woodside 3.30pm and finishing at Pier Head at 3.50pm.

(Some bus services are running later than usual for the Liverpool Vs Manchester City Match (kick off 1730). Please click on here for full travel information).

New Year's Day - Sunday, 1 January 2017

► Some services will run to normal timetables with an earlier finish, some will not operate.

► Wirral Line trains will run to Sunday timetables.

► Northern Line trains will run to Sunday timetables.

► City line - there are service alterations due to engineering works in Central Manchester. For details of the Christmas and New Year services over this period, please contact National Rail Enquiries on:- 03457 48 49 50 or contact the service operator.

► Northern Rail trains between Preston and Ormskirk and Kirkby - Wigan - Manchester will run to their normal Sunday timetables.

► Arriva Trains Wales trains will run to a normal Sunday timetable.

► Mersey Ferries will not operate.

Monday, 2 January 2017

► Some buses will operate a normal Sunday service, some services will not operate

► Wirral Line trains will run to Saturday timetables.

► Northern Line trains will run to Saturday timetables.

► City line trains - there are service alterations due to engineering works in Central Manchester. For details of the Christmas and New Year services over this period, please contact National Rail Enquiries on:- 03457 48 49 50 or contact the service operator...

► Northern Rail trains between Preston and Ormskirk will run to their normal timetable.

► Mersey Ferries - The River Explorer Cruise will run, departing from the Pier Head at 11am, then hourly until the last service which will depart from the Pier Head, at 3pm, arriving at Seacombe, at 3.20pm, Woodside, at 3.30pm and finishing, at Pier Head, at 3.50pm.

Wirral Loop Line Track Renewal

From Tuesday, 3 January 2017, Network Rail will be renewing the track that runs beneath the river between Liverpool and Wirral and around the Wirral loop line. The work will be carried out over 3 Phases.   For full details of how your train will be affected during the works can be found online or pick up a Passenger Information Booklet from your local station booking office.  A full live updates can also be located on the Merseytravel website or contact Traveline on:- 0151 236 7676.

The Traveline will be open normally between 7am to 8pm, on Mondays to Fridays, and 8am to 8pm, on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays, except for the following days:- 24 December 2016, it will run from 8am to 6pm, 25 December 2016, all lines will be closed, all day, 31 December 2016, from 8am to 8pm.


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