Cruise film makes a splash

LIVERPOOL Cruise Terminal's record
breaking year has been captured in a special show reel.
The film shows highlights of the 2016 season, which includes the inaugural Disney
Magic visit, the celebrations to mark the 100th Anniversary of the Cunard
Building, which saw the Queen Elizabeth sail in to the City and the 1st Royal
christening of a Mersey ship for 50 years. To see the film visit:-
The 3? minute showcase also features interviews with cruise liner
representatives including Jon Bye, Port Operations Executive for Fred Olsen and
Queen Mary 2's Captain, Kevin Oprey, who praise what the City has to offer for
tourists and the work of the Cruise Liverpool team.
Vox pops with passengers show how popular the location of the cruise terminal is
with 1 commenting:- "You arrive and you're right in the City Centre."
Another said:- "Some ports can be a hassle with shuttle buses; but here,
it's dead easy." Other comments focus on Liverpool as a fantastic
tourist destination.
Some achievements of the 2016 season are:-
► The City welcomed 63 cruise liners; that's 9 more than the previous year.
► In total,
114,676 passengers and crew came to the City.
► An economic impact of around ?7 million was
► 4 different vessels made an inaugural call to
Liverpool. These were:- Disney Magic, L'Austral, Artania and Amadea.
Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for culture, tourism and events, Councillor
Wendy Simon, said:- "This showreel is a snap shot of what a fantastic
season it has been for the Cruise Liverpool Team. Liverpool's
reputation and popularity as a cruise destination continues to grow and we're
delighted with the success of our 2016 season and the ?7m boost to the local
economy. Each year, demand from cruise lines to come to Liverpool
increases and the Cruise Liverpool team rise to the challenge, making sure that
for operators, their time in Liverpool runs as smoothly as possible and that
passengers receive the best possible welcome to kick start their visitor
experience here; and it works as Liverpool has been voted the Best UK Port of
Call, 3 times in 4 years. This has been a great year for our cruise industry; as
well as returning vessels, we welcomed four new liners to the Mersey which is
huge coup; it's a fiercely competitive industry and to know that cruise
companies want to add Liverpool as a port of call is amazing news. We have
a fantastic City wide support network behind our cruise operation, a wealth of
things to see and do in the region, award winning attractions just a short walk
away and a dedicated team of people ensuring every passenger has an
unforgettable time in the City; so here's to a successful 2017!"
Angie Redhead, Liverpool Cruise and Operations Manager, said:- "It's great
to reflect on the success of 2016, but we are already looking ahead to 2017
which is shaping up to be a busy year for us.
We have the return of Disney Magic which I'm sure will draw in huge crowds once
again, whilst the British Open Golf Championship brings both Celebrity
Silhouette and Azamara Journey to the Mersey on the same day which will look
stunning whilst we have seven more inaugural calls on top of our usual returning
liners. I'm extremely proud of the fact that we are growing year on year,
and myself and the team look forward welcoming thousands more international
passengers who will be able to see for themselves why Liverpool has such a
fantastic reputation." |