Remember to view our Santa Watch Webcam 2016

Christmas Eve, we will again be hosting our live Santa Webcan, which is part
of a large network of webcams throughout the world, via:- It's well worth checking
out the Email Santa site! This fantastic site began when a 1997 Canada Post
strike prevented the Head Elf's young niece and nephews from sending their
letters to Santa. Our Santa Watch Cam will go live at around 10:30am, on
Christmas Eve, as normal. Let's hope you will get to see him make his deliveries
again this year! Last year we got a fantastic shot of him as he made his
calls... But remember, if he is in the area, go to bed! Also, check out the
Santa Tracker on NORAD, who are keeping us up to date on his locations
throughout the night... Click on here to see the camera live.