NHS staff go on manoeuvres
with Army Reserves

HOSPITAL staff got a taste of military
life on a team building and leadership day at Altcar Training Camp, Formby.
18 people took part with representation from the wards, radiology, A&E,
dermatology, sterile services, the walk in centres, administration, theatres and
The day was a mixture of interactive classroom sessions on team building and
conflict resolution. Presentations and command tasks were delivered by the
commanding officer, majors, warrant officers and other personnel from 3 Medical
It also included outdoor command tasks with the grand finale being indoor ranges
where staff demonstrated their newly acquired skills handling SA80 rifles, the
military services? current issued weapon.
The training day was organised by Kath Higgins, Head of Nursing for Planned
Care, who is also a major with 207 Field Hospital at Chorley based 3 Medical
Regiment. Both are units within the Army Medical Services employing regular and
reserve personnel.
She said:- "It was 1 of the wettest and windiest days of the year but this
did nothing to quash people?s enthusiasm. We had brilliant feedback and this is
sure to be the 1st of many such exercises."