So Talented keep shoppers entertained for
Christmas! Photographs by Patrick Trollope.
THE local music and performing arts
business, called:- 'The So
Talented Academy of Theatre Arts' have
put on a fantastic series of shows for Christmas shoppers in Wayfarers Arcade,
Southport. Some of the many girls took to the indoor shopping centre's main
floor to show off their singing and dancing skills and to spread a bit of
Christmas cheer. "We are always happy to discuss any kind of music and performing arts tuition
you are looking for. We have so much to look forward to in 2017, including
Hairspray and Peter Pan. They will also be performing at Disneyland Paris. Happy
Christmas to all of you in Southport, and please keep buying local in 2017!"
said the group... For more information about the group, call:- 07407 295117, or
pop in and see them in their studio within Wayfarers Arcade, Southport.