North West Ambulance Service
Awarded for Outstanding Contribution to Improving A&E Care

NHS teams from across the North of England have named
North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust (NWAS) as 'The Trust We Learned the
Most From' after an 8 week 'Action on A&E' project
organised by NHS Improvement.
An Outstanding Contribution Award was presented to the Trust, in December 2016,
at an event in Leeds, as more than 200 people from the NHS met for an event to
mark the end of Phase 1 of the project, which is aimed at tackling issues and
improving emergency department care across the North.
Leaders from NWAS, including Chief Executive, Derek Cartwright, contributed to
the project across the 8 weeks, by presenting to NHS colleagues.
In Derek's presentation he spoke about how the Trust works together with
partners to provide additional care to patients through numerous schemes which
also aim to relieve pressure on emergency departments.
This includes a dedicated falls car for the team which helps identify and care
for patients who need extra support around the home to help them get around more
David Rigby, Service Delivery Manager, said:- "We received some great
feedback from colleagues throughout the project who were impressed with the
amount of involvement NWAS has in working to relieve emergency departments and
provide care for patients closer to home. It was an honour to be voted as 'The
Trust we Learned the Most From' as there were some fantastic contributions from
other Trusts and it's great to know that they could take away something useful
from us as we did from them."
David Radcliffe, Medical Director for NWAS presented at the closing event in
Leeds and spoke about how the Trust's:- 111 and 999 services work to reduce
Hospital admissions whilst dealing with a 10% increase in serious or life
threatening incidents in 2016 compared to the previous year.
The Trust has various schemes including:- 'Hear and Treat' and the
'Acute Visiting Scheme' which aim to refer people to the most
appropriate care where possible, reducing the pressure on A&E departments.
The 'Action on A&E' scheme is now looking forward to launching
Phase 2 in the coming months. |