₤200,000 investment blows
wind of change through intensive care

INTENSIVE care patients at Southport
Hospital are benefitting from a ₤200,000 investment in 10 new ventilators.
The new devices, worth ₤20,000 each, replace ageing 10 year old machines which
will now be sent for auction, probably for use abroad.
Ventilators help a patient breathe. This is usually because of a medical problem
that makes it hard for them to breathe well on their own. While on the
ventilator, the body is able to rest so it has the potential heal. A ventilator
can help with breathing or totally breathe for the patient.
As well as being the latest technology, the new ventilators are also portable so
they can be kept with the patient if they need to be moved.
Julie Webb, Senior Sister on the Intensive Care Unit, said:- "This is a
wonderful investment by the Trust in our Hospital and we're very excited to
start using them to help patients." |