You're never too old to care

JOYCE Kelly (80) and Peter Dooley (74), caregivers at Home
Instead Senior Care in Southport, Formby and Crosby are wonderful examples of
people who say that caregiving is:- "perfect for people our age!" As
caregivers for the company, Joyce and Peter visit their elderly clients
regularly, helping them with their shopping, cooking, and other daily routines,
assisting them to remain living independently in their own homes. They also
provide them with the companionship that elderly people so often need.
Joyce and Peter are part of a new generation of workers who are starting new
careers when they would traditionally be thinking about putting their feet up.
Joyce Kelly from Southport has been a caregiver for 3 years. Previously, Joyce
worked in a nursing home, but it closed down and when she saw that Home Instead
were looking for caregivers, she applied and was invited for an interview. Since
being hired 3 years ago, she has loved every minute of it and has never looked
Peter Dooley from Formby has been a caregiver for 10 years and has worked with
some amazing clients. His favourite story to tell is when he was supporting a
retired footballer. He said:- "I would take this gentleman out to run a
few errands and people would assume I was a footballer, too, and ask me for my
autograph! I also used to work with a retired professor who was writing a book.
I helped him to get it published by typing up the manuscripts for the book. I
really enjoyed helping him, not only at home with his daily routines, but also
with his work it was very special to be part of his project."
Irene Hough, owner of Home Instead in in Southport, Formby and Crosby also
commented. She said:- "We are so lucky to have Joyce and Peter as a
caregivers. They are truly an inspiration, and everyone who meets them just
loves them! They are both 100% client focused and are proof that the over 50's
are a highly effective care resource.
We match our caregivers to clients and many of our clients would like to be
cared for by someone closer to their own age. They also have the life skills to
understand the issues faced by those in need of care. It's why we already employ
many people who are over 50's. Much of the work in the sector is part time
so is ideal for anyone looking to do a few hours to a few days' work each week."
For more information on working with Home Instead Senior Care, contact the
Office on:- 01704 547938 or at:-
Homeinstead.Co.UK. |