Will your organisation
support our NHS heroes?

LOCAL businesses are being invited to
help celebrate the work of NHS staff in hospitals and the community.
The Pride Awards, now in their 9th year, celebrate the excellence and
professionalism of staff who work at Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust.
They are also an opportunity for staff to recognise the achievements of one
another and for patients to highlight staff who have given outstanding care.
The Trust is keen to hear from businesses and organisations across Southport,
Formby, West Lancashire and the North West who would be interested giving
financial support to this year's Pride Awards.

A number of sponsorship opportunities are available for each of the award
Iain McInnes, interim Chief Executive, said:- "The Pride Awards are a
fantastic opportunity for our community to help celebrate their NHS heroes. We
are grateful to our existing sponsors for their continuing support but I know
there will be many others who want to show their appreciation to staff by
supporting this event."
Companies or organisations interested in sponsorship should contact Joanne
Chorley at the Trust on 01704 704714 or email
The Pride Awards will be held at Southport Theatre and Convention Centre in
June. Nominations for the Patient Award will open later in February.