
CHAOS was caused over Easter as a mains burst at 4am on Saturday, on Scarsbrick New Road, result in
severe flooding of the road and surrounding area and property. The incident forced the closure of one of the main routs into the town,
compounded it being good weather, tailbacks soon built up. A United
Utilities engineer said, "The fire brigade had to pump out two
semi detached houses near the burst were flooded with 12 inches of water had crept its way in." Over the early hours of the morning a section of road between Haig Avenue and the Town had to be closed off at around 6:45am
due to the growing flood. It opening later on after gallons of water had been pumped away. The water was affected for most of the day for as far as Formby, as water colour turned yellow brown and grit got into the system. Photographs by
Steven of the flood at 7:00am and by Patrick at 3:20pm.

