Reformation 500th
Anniversary in Liverpool

THE celebrations of the 500th
Anniversary of the Reformation are in full swing, and Liverpool's 2 Lutheran
congregations are joining together for a celebration which will include:-
'Johann Sebastian Bach's Reformation Cantata.'
As neither the German Church in Bedford Street or the Nordic Church, Park Lane
will be large enough to house the expected gathering, the 'Gottesdienst'
service will be held in the Church of St Vincent de Paul, St James
Street, Liverpool (L1 5HA), and it will be led by the pastors of the German
Church, Revv DiemutCramer and Olaf Burghardt.

The 'Reformation Cantata Ein feste burg ist unser Gott'
is based on Martin Luther's hymn of the same name:- 'A Mighty Fortress'
is our God, 1 of the flagship hymns of the reformation, and it will be performed
as part of the 'Gottesdienst,' by the Liverpool Bach Collective.
The event will take place on Sunday, 5 March 2017, at 6.30pm.
The 8 singers of the Collective will be joined by a dozen instrumentalists,
playing oboes, oboes d'amore, bassoon, violins, viola, cello and double bass,
organ and harpsichord. The music will be directed by Philip Duffy.
Liverpool Bach Collective was founded 3 years ago, and each month it performs 1
of Bach's 200 cantatas as part of 'Sunday Evensong' in a church
around Merseyside.
To date it has performed 26 cantatas in 18
different churches, from Hightown to Rainhill and Ince Blundell to Birkenhead.
The ensemble has gathered quite a following of interested listeners, and a large
congregation is expected.
It so happens that the Reformation Cantata is a set work for this year's A level
music syllabus, and music students from years 12 and 13 of local Schools have
been invited to attend the performance. It will provide them with the rare
opportunity not only to hear a live performance of the cantata, but to
experience it in the liturgical context for which Bach composed it in the 1st
place. For more information about this event and many others across the 67
European Cities taking part, click on this
link now, or visit the Liverpool Bach
Collective's Facebook
Page. |
College named 6th Form College of the year

WINSTANLEY College, won 6th Form
College of the year 2017, at a glittering, black tie event hosted by comedian Rob
Beckett on Friday night.
The judges from the TES (Times Education Supplement) felt that Winstanley
College's "sheer range of good practice", and the extensive evidence that
it was going above and beyond to support its local community, gave it the edge
in this competitive category.
Winstanley College has been rated "outstanding" by Ofsted since 2000,
with its most recent full inspection taking place in 2007. Standards have
remained high, with impressive outcomes for students. More than 90% are highly
satisfied with their experience at the college, and applications have increased
by 28% since 2009. Students often progress to leading universities, with about
40% taking up places at Russell Group institutions every year, and an overall
progression rate of 85%.
The college delivers access programmes for more than 150, 6th form students
every year; for its own learners and those from nearby 6th forms. In
partnership with local schools, it runs a programme for academically able
students who might not otherwise aspire to further academic study. Winstanley
College has also established a peer review and development group with other
6th form colleges to facilitate joint lesson observations, self-assessment and
CPD. The partnership has supported all the colleges to achieve "good" or
"outstanding" Ofsted ratings.
The judges said that Winstanley College was:- "extremely impressive and at
the top of the category. Its range, impact and reach was very good."
Their victory was witnessed by over 600 people, gathered to celebrate the
sector's achievements, at the prestigious awards ceremony held at the Grosvenor
House Hotel, Park Lane, London, on Friday, 24 February 2017. Local business owners urged
to act now to avoid pensions penalty nightmare
AS over 750,000 employers face new
responsibilities this year to contribute to their staff pension pots, small
business owners across Southport are being urged to act now to avoid hefty fines
and potential prosecution.
Andrew Geddes who runs TaxAssist Accountants in Southport said:- "A record
number of businesses reach their so called 'staging date' this year for the new
workplace pension scheme. Local business owners will have received their date
from the Pensions Regulator and must automatically enrol eligible employees and
contribute to their pension pot.
We've been advising local businesses since the pension changes were 1st
introduced 5 years ago and many business owners have planned well in advance,
but 2017 will see the new rules come into effect for many more local businesses,
as 750,000 UK employers reach their staging date. Business owners whose staging
date was in 2014, will also need to automatically re-enrol certain staff and
complete a re-declaration of compliance this year.
We're urging local business owners who haven't yet put a scheme in place for
their staff, to do so soon to beat the inevitable rush and avoid hefty
penalties. Pension providers are likely to be overwhelmed with enquiries and
many will not cater for the small business market. Business owners who fail to
provide a qualifying pension scheme could face a £400 fixed penalty from the
Pensions Regulator, escalating to daily fines set at a minimum of £50 per day,
with the possibility of civil penalties and Court action." |