New scheme providing free
books for prisoners in police custody launched to mark World Book Day

DETAINEES in Police Custody, in
Merseyside, will be offered free books, thanks to a new scheme launched by the
Police Commissioner to mark World Book Day.
Books in the Nick was dreamed up by special constable, Steve Whitmore, from the
Metropolitan Police after he lent an 18 year old detainee his own book in
custody. When the Officer told the teenager he could keep the book, he noticed
how the detainee's hostility and attitude completely changed. This sparked Steve
to join with charity Give a Book and, as a result, free books are now available
in all 43 of the Met's custody suites.
Now the initiative is being brought to Merseyside thanks to the Police
Commissioner, Jane Kennedy, who has also teamed up with the charity to ensure
prisoners detained at all 5 of Merseyside Police's custody suites will have
access to free books.
In total, more than 50 books will be distributed between the custody suites,
with versions available in Spanish, French, Polish and Arabic. The selection
includes classics, short stories, quick reads, and young adult fiction.
The scheme was launched on Thursday, 2 March
2017, by the Deputy Police Commissioner,
Cllr Sue Murphy and Rev. Peter Beaman, the Chair of Merseyside's Independent
Custody Visiting (ICV) scheme, who 1st proposed starting the scheme here.
PCC led ICV scheme sees a team of 30 volunteers making unannounced visits at
Police cells to check on the welfare and wellbeing of detainees. They make
recommendations as to how conditions could be improved.
Deputy Police Commissioner Cllr Sue Murphy said:- "I'm delighted to be
joining with the Chair of our ICV scheme and Give a Book to launch Books in the
Nick in Merseyside to mark World Book Day.
Being on your own in a cell for up to 24 hours, particularly in what may be
upsetting circumstances, can be very distressing and isolating. By providing
detainees with access to a free book we could potentially alter a person's
experience of custody.
Books not only pass the time, they have the power to calm people down and even
make them think in a different way. It's clear from Special Constable Whitmore's
experience that the act of giving a book can make a difference and change a
detainee's attitude."
Chair of the ICV scheme, Rev Beaman, said:- "Being able to offer reading
material to those detained in custody means that they are usefully occupied
during the process, while also giving encouragement to those who rarely read to
develop an interest in books and magazines."
Following the launch, the Commissioner's office will monitor how many of the
books are taken and will liaise with Give a Book to provide more books when
required. Give a Book was set up in 2011 in memory of writer and playwright
Simon Gray who loved to read and to share his reading. The charity uses
donations to source new books at cost price and distributes them to someone who
might need 1.
Victoria Gray from Give a Book said:- "We are delighted that Merseyside
Police are launching this scheme which has proved such a success in the Met
Area. We look forward to working with them in the future."
World Book Day is now in its 20th year and is marked in more than 100 countries
around the world. The event has been designated by UNESCO as a worldwide
celebration of authors, illustrators, books and reading, and gives book lovers,
and children, the chance to celebrate their favourite stories.
Find out more about Give a Book at:-
Local Growth Hub gives
Liverpool City Region a boost
THE Local Growth Hub has boosted the
Liverpool City Region economy, by helping over 4,000 SME businesses gain access
to support enabling them to create 850 new jobs.
The figure has been revealed as part of National Growth Hub month, taking place
throughout March, celebrating the network which sees a growth hub in each of the
38 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) areas, covering 100% of the business
population in England.
Since its launch in 2016, the Local Growth Hub, a dedicated business support
service, has successfully assisted thousands of companies across the Liverpool
City Region to unlock support and guidance to enable business growth.
The Local Growth Hub is managed by Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise
Partnership (LEP) and delivered by a network of regional brokers comprising
Liverpool Vision, Halton Borough Council, Knowsley Chamber of Commerce, The
Women's Organisation, Invest Sefton, St Helens Chamber and Wirral Chamber of
Commerce, each offering face to face business support.
They increase awareness of the public and private sector support available to
entrepreneurs, SMEs and high growth companies by ensuring access is simpler,
more joined up and easier for businesses to start up, expand and create more
Collectively the network has carried out a total of 2136 business health checks
and handled 6000 individual business enquiries.
Liverpool City Region has also allocated more than £68 million to ERDF projects
across the City Region to support SME's within 3 key strategic areas: Innovation,
Business Growth and Low Carbon.
The regional brokers have also referred over 4000 SMEs to Local Growth Hub
business support programmes which include: New Markets 2, Enterprise Hub, LCR
4.0, Business Growth Programme, Health Enterprise Hub, Innovate 2 Succeed, Low
Carbon Eco-lnnovatory, Manufacturing Growth Fund, Mersey Rural Leader Fund,
Sensor City, St Helens Business Grants and the Merseyside Jobs and Growth Fund.
There are currently 50 partners engaged across the funding programmes.
Each programme is expected to benefit thousands of businesses in a range of
sectors, with successes already being recorded. New Markets 2 has awarded more
than £70,000 of support for commercial advice resulting in the potential
creation of 30 jobs. While The Enterprise Hub has supported over 2800
individuals, with over 730 entrepreneurs boosting their business skills by
completing the 12 hour programme, which has resulted in the creation of 263
businesses across the Liverpool City Region.
LEP Managing Director, Mark Basnett, said:- "From day one, the Local
Growth Hub has provided a support network to businesses across the Liverpool
City Region to support their long term business growth.
Our priority is and will continue to be to simplify and co-ordinate the
landscape of support services, providing companies with a single point of
access. Each of our regional brokers are dedicated to encouraging businesses to
thrive by ensuring they have the knowledge and support to benefit from both
commercial advice and the various funded and subsidised initiatives available.
We have already supported over 4,000 local business since the official launch in
May 2016 and we will continue to build on this momentum by working in
collaboration to support SMEs, start ups and businesses with high growth
potential. Ensuring businesses have the support they need, whether that's
financial support, people or skills to enable them to flourish will not only
benefit the business community but ultimately the wider Liverpool City Region
To celebrate National Growth Hub Month, Local Growth Hub events will be taking
place across the Liverpool City Region, visit:-
LocalGrowthHub.Com to find out more.
Man dropped off with stab wounds at Aintree
University Hospital
MERSEYSIDE Police Detectives are
appealing for information after a 21 year old man attended Aintree University
Hospital, in the early hours of Sunday, 26 February, 2017. We are told that he
was suffering from stab wounds to his hand and side. He has since He has
received treatment for his injuries and Detectives are waiting to speak to the
victim following his treatment. The investigation is in its early stages and the
motive for the attack is unknown, although it is believed to be targeted. Its
believed that the man was left at the Hospital by unknown parties, who are
reported to be travelling in a light coloured van, with blacked out windows.
Detectives are appealing to anyone who may have seen a light coloured van, with
blocked out windows, within the area, during the early hours of Sunday morning.
They are also viewing CCTV footage in a bid to gather further information.
Anyone who may have information which could help detectives with their inquiries
is asked to contact detectives on:- 0151 777 3807, or Crimestoppers on:- 0800
555 111. |