Hundreds commit to quit
smoking following campaign

ALMOST 500 people in Liverpool
committed to stop smoking in January following the launch of a new public health
campaign urging people to quit the habit.
Smoking accounts for almost 1,000 deaths every year, in Liverpool and 25% of people in the
City smoke.
Kick the Ciggies and
Chuck the Ciggies have launched in
the new year targeting 30 to 60 year old men and women who want to give up
smoking but lack confidence. The men's campaign was themed around football while
the women's featured local ladies talking about how they had given up. Almost 15,000 people watched a series of
videos produced for the campaign, which included Liverpool FC legend Jamie Carragher and actress Gemma Brodrick giving tips, advice and encouragement on
giving up.
The online advertising campaign resulted in an 86% increase in referrals to
SmokeFree Liverpool, a free service which provides 1 to 1 support and access
to medicines that fight cravings. There was also a 38% increase in the number of
phone calls the service received.
A total of 495 people set a quit date with SmokeFree Liverpool in January 2017;
220 up on the average for previous months; but the actual figure could be as
high as 1,760 because research shows that for every person that contacts SmokeFree Liverpool, another seven will try to give up without using the
On Wednesday, 8 March
2017, it was National No Smoking Day, and SmokeFree Liverpool representatives
attended Asda Walton, Williamson Square, in Liverpool's City Centre, to help
people quit. Please let us know if you spotted them! We are told
that they are now continuing to look at other ways to help smokers quit and will
continue to urged to all smokers to try and quite. So what are your views
on this topic?
1 of the success stories is Stephen Poulson, who has given up a 20 year habit
smoking 30 hand rolled cigarettes each day. "I decided to quit as I had
got fed up of waking up and coughing and nicotine stains on my fingers, but I
also realised how much money I could save by not smoking. I found quitting hard
to do at first and the first week was tough however I found it became easier day
by day and now I have no thoughts about smoking. To quit smoking I used a
combination of patches and quick mist spray which was really effective. The
spray can give you the hiccups, but they soon pass. The benefits I have found
since stopping smoking are no coughing, my taste and smell is back to normal,
there are no horrible nicotine stain on fingers, plus I have saved enough money
to go to town soon to buy some new clothes. My advice to other people is to
mentally prepare for the big day of quitting. Take every day as it comes and
think of every day as a win. It soon turns in to a week and then a month. Keep
the money you would normally spend on cigarettes in a jar and watch as it soon
mounts up."
Councillor Paul Brant, Cabinet member for
health, said:- "Smoking is one of the biggest killers in Liverpool and all
the evidence shows that quitting is the biggest thing you can do to benefit your
health. Our campaign is aimed at showing people that they are not alone and
there are lots of different types of support out there to help them quit. It is
also good for your pocket as well as your health, as people who give up smoking
save an average of around ₤2,000 per year."
Dr Sandra Davies, Liverpool's Director of Public Health, said:- "Signing
up to quit smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health and this
campaign is designed to target those people who, for one reason or another, lack
confidence quitting.
We know that the vast majority of smokers in Liverpool are keen to quit and our
message is that there is lots of support to help you through the process. There
is a whole range of advice that we offer ranging from face to face to over the
phone and text or email. We'll work with you to come up with a quit plan suited
to your needs.
Even if you have tried unsuccessfully to stop smoking before, it doesn't matter,
sooner or later you will be successful if you have the right support."
People wanting to give up smoking can get in touch with Smokefree Liverpool
should call:- 0800 061 4212, or visit:-
► Smoking increases the risk of heart disease by a quarter and doubles the risk
of heart attack or stroke.
► Cardiovascular disease is 1 of the main causes of death and disability in
► ? of long term smokers will eventually be killed by their addictions.
► Within a year of quitting, the risk of heart attack is halved, and within 2
years the risk of stroke is reduced to that of a non smoker.
► The cost to the City is an estimated ₤60 million a year to the NHS and in sick
days, litter and fires caused by cigarettes. |