Harmony Day to be celebrated
in Liverpool
A celebration of Liverpool's diverse
culture is taking place on 'World Harmony Day' on Tuesday, 21 March
2017, at the Florence
Institute in the Dingle.
The event, taking place from 10am to 4pm and organised by Liverpool Homeless
Football Club, with funding from LCVS and support from Liverpool City Council, is
aimed at combating racial hatred and discrimination following Brexit and the
rise of extremist nationalism.
Liverpool, as a City, has a great cultural background, and has a long history of
welcoming people from far and wide.
The idea of the day is to bring the cultures and communities of Liverpool
together using music dance and food while reaching out to the hardest to reach
There will be performances from African Gospel singers, African drummers, Irish
dancing, Nordic Music, Bollywood dancing and workshops, football and food from
various cultures.
There will be live music or dance from each culture and each group will have a
time limit to do their favourite or national sport.
Organisations involved include:-
► The Merseyside Congolese Association.
► Sheila Kay Foundation.
► Merseyside Police.
► Royal Navy.
► South Liverpool CAB.
► Irish Community Care.
► Nordic Church.
► Ishtar TV Belly Dancing and Bolly Wood Dancing.
► Mary Seacole House.
► Liverpool Development Support.
► Street League.
Steve Barton Engagement Officer for Liverpool Homeless FC said:- "Due to
recent issues, it concerns us that people may be discriminated against due to
their religion, culture, position in society. sexuality or disability. I
believe as a city we can come together as one to stop this happening under our
noses, we have a great chance to lead the way in Liverpool, for other Cities to
follow. We are lucky enough to be supported by some wonderful agencies who
can also offer support and advice on various issues."
Councillor Emily Spurrell, Mayoral lead for Community Safety, added:- "I'm
really pleased to be asked to support this event. Liverpool has a strong
history of welcoming diverse communities and it's great to see Liverpool
homeless football club putting on this day so residents from across the City can
experience the different cultures. I would encourage all residents to come along
and take advantage of the free food and entertainment."
Separately, on Tuesday, 28 March 2017, from 10am to 3pm, the spirit of Merseyside 4 a
side Football League will kick off focussing on tackling racism and diversity, at Lucozade power league, in Kirkdale.
This will be aimed at men aged 16+. There will be stalls from agencies that promote
anti discrimination and racism campaigns at this event.
Transport will be available for community groups who may have issues getting to
the events. For more information of how to get involved, please contact Steve
Barton on:- 0151 237 3986 or send them an
Body Fixers is all set to come back and they are looking for 'beauty
E4's hugely popular show 'Body
Fixers' is all set to come back and this time it's going to be bigger, better and more
'EXTREME' than ever
before. "We're looking for Merseyside clients to visit our pop up salon
and be given a dramatic transformation by our super talented beauty
professionals with beauty treatments, hair redesigns, non surgical cosmetic
treatments and complete top to toe make overs and unders. Our expert team of fixers; all hair and beauty
professionals from around the country, will ensure that everyone who enters the
Body Fixers salon leaves looking and feeling amazing.
From excess body hair to botox and fillers gone wrong, dodgy semi permanent
makeup to nasty nails and feet, and home hair dye fails to profuse sweating.
Maybe you've got a big event coming up and want to get a problem sorted before
then, or you have a beauty disaster that's been causing you grief that you
desperately want gone? Or perhaps you know someone who needs our help with a
problem or could do with a full body make over or make under…? No matter how
different or extreme, our team could fix you up." said the shows
production team...
Anyone interested in finding out more, or to see if the Body Fixers can fix
their beauty disasters, can get in touch with the casting team by
email or calling:- 020
3040 6037. |
Edge Hill suicide prevention
work recognised by Health Select Committee
2 mental health projects ran by Edge Hill University and
Everton in the Community have been highlighted in a Health Select Committee
paper. The publication 'Suicide Prevention' suggests that the
Government's suicide prevention strategy needs greater focus on implementation,
and identifies projects including:- 'Tackling the Blues' and
'Active Blues' as exemplars of good work in this area.
Tackling the Blues is a sports based programme targeting children and young
people who are experiencing, or are at risk of developing, mental illness and
Active Blues, which is funded by Sport England, helps inactive men aged 35 to 50, to
become active and improve their mental wellbeing. Drawing upon research
conducted as part of Tackling the Blues at Edge Hill University, Professor Andy
Smith told the Committee about the benefits of focusing on a whole School
approach to mental health and wellbeing and developing a culture where mental
health is a priority.
Professor Andy Smith said:- "It was an honour to be invited to speak to
the Health Select Committee, as part of its national enquiry on suicide
prevention, to discuss our collaborative sports based mental health research
with Everton in the Community. To have our partnership work recognised by the
Committee as a model of good practice, and an example of how to practically
implement aspects of the government's national suicide prevention strategy, is
especially pleasing. It is further testimony to our longstanding commitment
towards adopting a collaborative, impact focused, approach to research and
community working which is of real benefit to the lives of others."
Michael Salla, Director of Health at Everton in the Community, added:- "We
are delighted to be able to support such an important strategy and to be able to
offer our input and guidance via our two named projects and our academic
partnership. Our programmes have made a real contribution to our local
communities and it is an honour that this has been recognised at such a level as
the Health Select Committee."
Chair of the Health Committee, Dr Sarah Wollaston MP, said:- "If the
Government wishes to be truly ambitious in reducing the toll of suicide, there
are many further steps which it could take, which we have set out in this
report. The Government must prioritise effective implementation of its strategy
because without it, any strategy is of very limited value."
₤3 million investment into
care for the vulnerable
WIRRAL Council is investing almost ₤3
million towards improving Residential Care, Home Care and Supported Living within
the borough.
The Council aims to make sure there is a range of high quality, appropriate
services which offer people choices for their care needs. The investment of ₤2.9
million, from April 2017, will help secure these services.
Cllr Christine Jones, Wirral's Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, said:-
"Choice, quality and availability of care services is vital. When people need
these services, they are often at their most vulnerable and it is so important
they are able to access the type of service they need.
We are proposing to invest almost ₤3 million into making sure our residents can
access Nursing and Residential Care of the highest quality.
We have consulted with the care providers in the borough, and we believe this
investment goes a long way to ensuring a responsive and sustainable market of
care options in the borough to support our most vulnerable residents."
In Wirral, around 68,000 residents live with some form of disability and, by
2030, almost a quarter of the population will be over 65.
"Having a disability, or becoming older and frailer, should never be a
barrier to living an independent life. Each and every one of our residents
deserves to be able to access the support they need, at the right quality, when
they need it. Even considering our huge financial challenges at the moment;
with ₤45 million to save in just the coming year; I am delighted we have one
again demonstrated our commitment to our vulnerable residents and our 20 Pledges
by investing in these vital services." said Cllr Jones.
Cabinet will consider a report proposing the investment a meeting, that is due
to be held on 27 March
2017. |