'Stop the silence

LIVERPOOL City Region Mayoral
candidate, Carl Cashman, joined citizens in the Walton area of the city on 12
March to show their support for the national 'Stop the Silence' campaign.
3 billboards in Merseyside promote the message that Government and Parliament
are not listening to the people of the UK. Whether they voted to remain or leave
the EU in the referendum, they did not vote for price hikes, hate crimes or
leaving the single market. At both local and national level, concerned groups
have worked together to provide both information and platforms of discussion
about the EU and the political developments around Brexit.
Carl Cashman said:- "Democracy is Parliament listening to the concerns of
the people it represents. Liverpool and the rest of the UK are not playing-chips
in a game of poker to be won or lost. We want to know what the Government has
planned and how our futures will be affected. Silencing us on the premise of
giving Prime Minister May maximum ability to negotiate a Brexit deal with Europe
is destructive to our democracy and to our British traditions."
Liverpool and the City Region are beneficiaries of large amounts of EU funding.
This has been used to diversify its economy to provide jobs, fund major projects
and increase the standard of living for its residents. The current Conservative
Government is disingenuous in its intentions to create a "Northern
Disregard for the needs of the region is demonstrated by its favouritism towards
Tory voting areas in the South of England through attempted diversion of EU
funding from Northern cities and private agreements with the Surrey Council.
'Stop the Silence' is a national campaign with almost a hundred locations
across the country that will ensure that the message can be seen by over ten
million people. In addition to the billboards, powerful artwork and an emotive
video are available on the 'Stop the Silence' campaign's website, YouTube
and Facebook sites. 'Stop the Silence' was crowdfunded by over 3,500
donors, raising ₤70,000 in just 2 weeks.
The key messages of the campaign are:-
► Ordinary people, regardless of how they voted in the Referendum, are being
excluded from the ongoing Brexit debate.
► Many feel intimidated by the tone and manner of the debate and are afraid to
speak out.
► Those that are brave enough to speak out feel that no
1 is listening.
Discussions about Brexit, its practicalities and consequences will not stop with
the Article 50 notification. They are now more important than ever. Refusing to
be silenced, many people from all over Merseyside and the Wirral will be going
all the way to Parliament, joining the 'Unite for Europe' National March,
on the Saturday, 25 March 2017, in London. |