Professional Dog Trainer was in the Dog House
this week!

WELL Red Nose Day
always brings in some fun ideas, but this for a member of the West Lancs Canine
located at Mosside Farm, Formby, took their motto:- "We will train you to
train your dog" that step further... Emma Fraser, who is a Pet Carer at
Comforts spent 13 hours, locked in a dog
kennel, on Tuesday, 21 March 2017.

The brave 37 year old, dog mad, single Mum,
said that it was:- "I'm a single mum of 3 children
and 2 dogs. I work for the company K9 Comforts that is linked with West Lancs
Canine Centre, where we specialise in dog training, dog agility, Doggy day care
and home boarding. To raise money for comic relief I have been in the Center's
dog kennels for a total of 13 hours . It was a very cold and a very long day at
that, but I hope it was worth it... I had hoped to make ₤500, but sadly I'm just
off my target. All the sponsorship money I have raised will go to the Red Nose
Day, Do Something Funny For Money appeal. So if anyone reading this who has not
yet donated, please take a look at the photos I have of my time in the dog house
via my Just Giving
Page. I did this fundraising event as I know
how important Comic Relief*
is, raising money to change countless lives, both here, in the UK and across the
World in Africa."

* Red Nose Day is an
initiative of Comic Relief, registered charity 326568 (England/Wales) SC039730