Liverpool Based Charity Plea
to Donate First Pound Coin
FOLLOWING the launch of the new 1 Pound
Coin, the Liverpool based #CharliesChance fundraising team is asking
people to donate a pound to the charity.
The #CharliesChance team would love it if people could donate their 1st Pound
to the Charlie's Chance Foundation, which helps other children in similar
situations as Charlie.
Charlie's mum, Sophie, said:- "The support we received for Charlie and
funding his treatment has undoubtedly got us through this incredibly difficult
journey and continues to keep us focused every day.
We know 1st hand how hard it is to fund treatment abroad as well as dealing
with your child having cancer and we aim to be able to ease that pressure. It
makes all the hard work worthwhile when you enable such deserving children a
chance to live and that's why we are so passionate about what we do."
If you are able to get involved, donate either
or by dropping off a new Pound Coin, at The Good Catch Fish and Chip Shop, Crosby,
Liverpool Road, Donnas doll house vintage, Crosby Road North, Waterloo or
Waterloo Eye Centre, South Road Waterloo in Liverpool.
Let others know if you have been able to donate by take a picture of yourself with
the new Pound Coin and share it across social media using the hashtags #Charliespound