Arrest in suspected ₤3.8m
offshore Tax fraud

1 woman has been arrested in Cheshire
as part of a HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) joint investigation with the Dutch
authorities into a suspected ₤3.8m million Tax fraud involving offshore bank
On 4 April 2017, 28 officers from HMRC searched 1 residential and 1 business
addresses within Manchester and Macclesfield areas, while properties in the
Netherlands and Austria were also raided. Cash, computers, business and personal
records were seized in the UK and in the Netherlands assets including property,
luxury vehicles and bank accounts were seized.

Paul Maybury, Assistant Director, Fraud
Investigation Service, HMRC, said:- "We are working closely with our
partners in the Netherlands and Austria to tackle suspected Tax evasion.
The vast majority of Taxpayers pay the Tax they owe, but where we suspect people
aren't paying what's due, we will use our full range of powers to ensure that
nobody is beyond our reach. People cannot hide money offshore thanks to this
international co-operation.
Businesses that commit Tax fraud are not just stealing from the public purse,
but also have an unfair advantage over honest businesses who pay the right
Taxes. If anyone has information about Tax fraud, please contact the new HMRC
Fraud Hotline on:- 0800 788 887."
2 addresses were searched in the UK as simultaneous searches took place at 2
residential properties in the Netherlands and 1 residential address in Austria.
Those arrested have been interviewed and released pending further enquiries.
