Workshop program announced
for Liverpool's International Physical Theatre Festival

PHYSICAL Fest, Liverpool's
international physical theatre festival, is returning for 2017 with a
wonderfully packed programme of workshops. Now in its 13th year. Liverpool's
international physical theatre festival is the only festival in Europe
specialising solely in physical theatre.
As part of the festival, there will be seven days of movement, clown and mask
workshops from world renowned performers including:- Thom Monckton (New
Zealand's award winning Circus artist), Peta Lily, John Wright (founder of Told
by and Idiot and Trestle), Sean Kempton (Clown from Cirque du Solieil) and Vini
Carvalho. Participants come from all over the world to take part in this unique
experience in festival buzzing with energy and atmosphere!
Running from Saturday, 27 May 2017 to Saturday, 3 June 2017, the exciting
workshops will be held, at Bluecoat.
The programme starts, on Saturday, 27 May 2017, with a 'Physical
Articulation for Comedy' workshop with Thom Monckton which involves body
isolation, contemporary mime, mimicry, object manipulation, and contextual
improvisations. This introduction to physical theatre movement technique
concentrates on the articulation of the body and interactions with
each other and objects in context with movement and space to create clear non
text comical narratives and expressions.
Participants will learn how to isolate
movements, use personal eccentricities to a comical advantage, and how to create
and break rhythm in order to create laughter.

Peta Lily will run a 'Get Smart, Get
Stupid - Red Nose Clown Workshop,' on Sunday, 28 May 2017. An award
winning performer, Peta Lily shared many years' experience working as a
performer, devisor, director and teacher of clown, comedy, commedia, movement,
mime skills and physical theatre. During her workshop, Peta demystifies the
rules of comedy and helps people stretch their emotional range. Participants
will enter the playful 'clown state', learn physical skills and
work with the magic 'Rule of Three'. Learn comedy craft, build
your confidence and find out what to do when things go wrong.
Levantes Dance Theatre will host a workshop, on Sunday, 28 May 2017. In this
workshop, participants will explore fun and creative duet material,
concentrating on trust, weight bearing and playfulness. Associate Artists at
Greenwich Dance, Levantes creates bold, innovative work which tells human
stories with flare and gusto. Its trademark visuals and stylistic choreography
ensures a thrilling collision of physical theatre, dance and circus performance
On Monday, 29 May 2017, workshops beginning with 'Out of Body Out'
of Mind by Sean Kempton. Drawing from physical theatre, dance and clowning,
participants will look at unlocking the body's potential to play, be free and to
bypass the sometimes over thinking brain. Participants will also break body
habits to enable themselves to make stronger, braver choices and to be more
precise and connected in their work. The sessions will be fun, physical and
accessible to anyone who enjoys movement in all its forms. Sean has been working
in physical theatre, circus and as a contemporary clown for over 20 years. He
tours regularly with:- 'Cirque Du Soleil' and is an associate
teacher for NCCA.
Tuesday, 30 May and Wednesday, 31 May 2017 sees world renowned John Wright lead
his 'Writing with a Stupid Face' workshop. This is a devising
workshop and not a workshop on making masked theatre. Participants will be using
masks to change what you do and how you think. They will learn ways of making
scenarios that will twist and change an original idea in order to find something
entirely different. John Wright is an award winning international teacher, a
specialist in using masks, a founder member of the acclaimed theatre companies:-
'Trestle and Told' by an Idiot and author of the acclaimed:-
'Why is That So Funny?'

Animikii Theatre will be running a workshop,
on Wednesday, 31 May 2017. Participants will be given the time to become active
researchers of a deeper study into the actor's craft that includes:-
'Adaptive and Precision' based training, how they can evolve their
individual practice into a larger ensemble, engineering great change and opening
new transformative possibilities on stage.
'Animikii Theatre,' run by Adam Davies and Henry McGrath, is e a
training based physical theatre company which fuses physical theatre with
combat, dance, sound, and rhythm.
Thursday, 1 June 2017 sees Jo Blowers' workshop. Jo is an international
movement/dance theatre artist in residence at the Bluecoat as part of the
INHABIT project funded by Esme Fairbairn. Participants will be tuning
performance skills by heightening kinaesthetic awareness, creating character
through the body, exploring states of play, ensemble skills, levels of tension,
energy and address in order to strengthen expressivity and relationship with an
The week long run of workshops ends on Friday, 2 June and Saturday, 3 June 2017,
with Vini Carvalho's Movement as the 'Starting Point.' This
workshop explores movement as the starting point for devising. Departing from a
set of specific physical exercises (based on corporeal mime), participants will
(re)discover the capability of the body in expressing meaning beyond words.
Participants will play at the intersection between mime, theatre and dance. Vini
Carvalho works internationally as a performer and movement researcher. Teaching
credits include:- 'East 15 Acting School' and 'The Drama
School Mumbai'. He is Director of 'Fool's Cap Theatre.'
Elinor Randle, Artistic Director of Physical Fest, said:- "Our workshops
provide a rare opportunity to work with world renowned practitioners. Attendees
will no doubt enjoy the experience of learning from and training with some of
the industry's finest practitioners!"
Tickets are now on sale; book now to avoid disappointment! To book a
place/s and for more information on any of the workshops or classes, please
PhysicalFest.Com. |