People flock to Easter Drama
in Formby success
Report by Dympna Edwards & photos by Patrick

WELL over 500
people braved the cold and threatened rain to take part in Formby Good Friday
Walk of Witness and Passion Play that took place on 14 April 2017. The annual
walk of witness started in Chapel Lane, with people walking and singing as they
made their way to Formby Pool Gardens.
Rev Sue Thomas from Holy Trinity led the prayer and gave a thought provoking
homily about the meaning of the Easter story for each 1 of us in our lives.
The Passion Play which told the story of the last supper went through the
arrest, trial, passion and finally Jesus resurrection from the perspective of
the apostle Peter. The cast was made up of volunteers from local Churches. Peter
Murphy, from Our Lady's Church, portrayed an engaging and forgiving Jesus. Mark
and Tim Hogben, from Formby Elim Church, as the apostles Peter and Judas showed
different responses to making wrong decisions and accepting forgiveness and Ted
Woods, from St Peters, played the role of doubting Thomas.
The mayor Cllr Ian Brodie Brown attended the event. John Ryan, chairman of
Churches Together in Formby Altcar and High Town (CTIFAH)
said:- "The Good Friday event takes the story of Easter beyond our Church
buildings into our local community. The music and drama helped to bring the
story alive and add meaning."
Thankfully, the rain held off and many people stayed on to enjoyed tea, coffee
and Hot Cross Buns provided by volunteers at Formby Pool and Holy Trinity
Workshop. The refreshments raised ₤288.37 in donations for Famine Relief in
Dympna Edwards from Churches Together and Formby Pool Trust who helped organise
the event said:- "This event wouldn't have happened without the time,
energy and dedication of many people from across Formby. We thank everyone who
took part from the stage crew, St John Ambulance, stewards, actors, sound crew,
the volunteers at Formby Pool and Holy Trinity and to everyone who came and took
part. Particular thanks are due to Rev Sue Thomas for her inspirational address
which she shared with us."
to see our full photographic coverage of this annual
free community event.
More photos can be found on Our Lady of Compassion RC Church Formby's
website taken by Mark Edwards.